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"Save him! oh, save him!" shrieked Miss Ellery, clutching Captain John, who was laughing like a boy, while the other lads shouted and the girls added their shrill merriment as poor Fred scrambled to the shore a wreck of the gallant craft that had set sail in spotless white. "What the deuce shall I do?" he asked in a tone of despair as they flocked about him to condole even while they laughed.

Almost at her own door she met Ram Juna, who turned with her to make one of his ponderous calls, while she sat and talked with him of emptiness and philosophy, with that vivacious patience that becomes a habit with women of the world; but when the door opened and her husband appeared, accompanied by Dick Percival and Ellery Norris she heaved a distinct sigh of relief.

I do love you, sweetheart, not for what I thought you were, but for what you are, because you are my wife, because you need my tenderness and help. But I'm not going to let you lead any longer. We can't even walk side by side as some husbands and wives do." Dick seemed to hear the voices of Ellery and Madeline by their own fireside, and he went on hurriedly.

Only fancy, I have just seen a scarlet tanager! and you know they haven't, and they wouldn't care anyway, and their mother may be dying." Ellery laughed, and Dick said: "Well, what are you going to do about it?" "I'm going to invent a fad of my own." "Let us in on the ground floor." "If you like. I'm learning the notes of the wind in the tree-tops. It has such variety! No two trees sound alike.

"Now let us sing or we shall have no time," suggested Miss Ellery, who warbled as well as rippled, and did not wish to lose this opportunity of singing certain sentimental songs appropriate to the hour.

Thoreau and Ellery Channing were tramping about in the neighborhood, and Judge Hoar and his beautiful sister dispensed sweetness and light in the village itself. Walden Pond, still secluded as when only the Indians had seen the sky and the trees reflected in it, was within a two-mile walk, and the silent Musketaquid stole on its level way beyond the hill on the other side.

Townsend has very different manners." "Yes, he has the best English manner; quite natural, and not afraid to be civil. It is only the best of the English who are quite free from nonsense. Ellery aims at effect, half the time; Townsend has too much sense to do so." "Well, I really wonder," said Jane, "how Mrs. Hilson can endure that Captain Kockney." "The silly little soul knows no better."

He turned away and moved sulkily toward his beckoning sister and her escort; but wheeled once more to add, in a mysterious whisper, "Don't you forget now, Mr. Ellery. Remember that question I put to you: 'What do you think of' Yes, yes, La-viny, I hear you! of you know who?" That evening, at the parsonage, Keziah was clearing the table and Captain Nat was helping her.

Pratt will take his bride home to Sandwich, and you, being here alone, will be more free." "Free?" Kyan repeated the word wrathfully. "Free! I'll be about as free as a settin' hen under a barrel, I will. Is a feller free when he's got two pickin' at him instead of one? I thought I was goin' to have a little peace and comfort; I thought that same as you, Mr. Ellery.