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It was dark as they streamed out after tea to go into the Preparation-room, and he heard Elgood's tremulous voice saying to him, "Oh, Evson, shall you give way to-night, and sign?" "Why to-night in particular, Elgood?" "Because I've heard them say that they're going to have a grand gathering to-night, and to make you, and me too; but I can't hold out as you do, Evson."

One evening the poor little fellow was so weary and hopeless and sad at heart, and he had been thrashed so long and so severely, that he was very near yielding. A paper had been written, the signing of which was tacitly understood to involve a promise to deny that there had been any smoking at night if they were taxed with it; and all the boys except Elgood and Charlie had signed this paper.

If it were possible to feel a degree hotter, Margot felt it at that moment, as she followed George Elgood up the little hillock to the right, and, pausing just short of the top, peered stealthily around. A simultaneous exclamation broke from both lips; simultaneously they drew back, and crouched on their knees to peer over the heather.

But at the beginning Elsmere owed him much, and it was a debt he was never tired of honoring. In the fast place, Wardlaw's choice of the Elgood Street room as a fresh centre for civilizing effort had been extremely shrewd. The district lying about it, as Robert soon came to know, contained a number of promising elements.

He had gone off early in the afternoon to the East End with Hugh Flaxman to take part in a committee of workmen organised for the establishment of a choral union in R , the scheme of which had been Flaxman's chief contribution so far to the Elgood Street undertaking.

Margot pressed her lips tightly together, George Elgood frowned, but it was all in vain; no power on earth could prevent the mischievous dimples from dipping in her cheeks; no effort could hide the twinkle in his eyes they buried their heads in their hands, and shook with laughter!

But the fellows did not care for Elgood; they knew that he dared not oppose them long, and that they could make him do their bidding whenever the time came. Well, one evening, Charlie, in a weak mood, was on the verge of signing the paper, and thus purchasing a cessation of the long series of injuries and taunts from which he had been suffering.

We should be delighted to have you!" cried Margot eagerly; and Ron looked down into the little man's face with his beautiful dreamy eyes, and said simply, "Please come, sir," with a sincerity which there was no denying. Mr Elgood beamed with satisfaction. "Come awa, then, ma bonnie men!" he cried jauntily, and waved his stick in the air.

When at last composure was regained, George Elgood pulled his watch from his pocket, glanced at the time, and cried eagerly "There is still an hour before we need be back for dinner. As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. Let us go back to the river, and try our luck once more!"

Instead, she settled down again in London, and not one of those whom Robert Elsmere had loved was forgotten by his widow. Every Sunday morning, with her child beside her, she worshipped in the old ways; every Sunday afternoon saw her black-veiled figure sitting motionless in a corner of the Elgood Street Hall.