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Around the gardens the boulevards and the trolley lines circled horizontally, and also passed through some of the huge corridors which, on this level, diverge from the interior elevators toward the exterior gardens.

The offices were located in an old building one of the oldest on the street, and also one of the shabbiest. But it was five stories in height and boasted of two elevators, and was, from appearances, filled with prosperous tenants. In Wall street rents are so high that many a person doing business there is willing to take whatever quarters he can get.

The Singer Building at the corner of Broadway and Liberty Street, New York City, has a total height from the basement floor to the top of the flagstaff of 742 feet; the height from street to roof is 612 feet, 1 inch. There are 41 stories. The weight of the steel in the entire building is 9,200 tons. It has 16 elevators, 5 steam engines, 5 dynamos, 5 boilers and 28 steam pumps.

Certainly some such arrangement would effect a great saving of water, and perhaps bring water bills to a point that this class of consumers could afford to pay. Hydraulic elevators where the water is used over and over again, by being pumped from the discharge to elevated tanks, cut little or no figure in connection with a city's water supply.

Go ahead. We're just leaving. Are you ready, Miss Pollard?" The Miss Pollard was a masterpiece. But did it deceive the mops and brooms? Damn them! They walked arm in arm down the corridor. "I think the elevators have stopped. Wouldn't it be a joke if we had to walk down?" She refused to answer. Witness remains silent. Why couldn't she be interested in jokes?... the woman of it.

Appleby & Sons lead the world in the completeness and capacity of their great cranes and lifts for docks and wharves, machine-shops, erection of buildings, and travelling cranes for railways or common roads. We must make one exception the elevators for hotels and warehouses, in which America is in advance of all other countries.

"Confound it, man!" he says, "they're sick of hot and cold water, elevators, bell wires with a nigger on the end, and all that. There's a raft of old codgers that call themselves 'self-made men' meanin' that the Creator won't own 'em, and they take the responsibility themselves that are always wishing they could go somewheres like the shacks where they lived when they were kids.

I walk a great number of blocks and jump into a great number of cars and dive into elevators and dive out again and open doors and say 'Good morning' when people tell me they haven't a job for me. My days are quite full, but my pocket-book isn't!" Ann had forgotten all about her errand in her sympathy. "I'm so sorry. Why, it's terrible! I should have thought you could have found something."

His ship is not docked on the ground at the tempest's mercy, but is moored high in air to the top of a tall tower up which passengers and freight are conveyed in elevators. His lighthouses send their beams straight up into the sky instead of projecting them horizontally as do those which now guard our coasts. Just why lighthouses are needed, however, he does not explain.

Edmund had spoken hurriedly, and had hardly finished when a dozen stout fellows, under Ingra's directions, took us in charge, Juba included, and we were led from the deck, through the vast throng on the platform, who made room for our passage, while devouring us with curious, though frightened eyes. In a minute we embarked on one of the "elevators," and made a thrillingly rapid descent.