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Edmé de Malain, Baron de Luz, Lieutenant-Governor of Burgundy, was the son of Joachim de Malain and Marguerite d'Epinac. He was deeply involved in the conspiracy of the Maréchal de Biron, and would infallibly have perished with him had he not been induced by the President Jeannin to reveal all that he knew of the plot to Henri IV, on condition of a free pardon.

Edme Sophie Gail-Garre, who flourished at the beginning of the nineteenth century, won some renown by her very popular songs and piano pieces, but was known chiefly by her successful operas. Among these were "Les Deux Jaloux," "Mlle. de Launay," "La Méprise," and "La Serenade." Mlle. Guenin, another youthful aspirant for fame, produced "Daphnis et Amanthée" in her seventeenth year.

These independent spirits were all drawn towards Edmé Froment at this time, because they obscurely saw in him the point where they could meet, the clearing from which every path in the forest is visible.

And if it is not true that it 'agitat molem, does often escape." "I know," said Clerambault, "it came to see me the other day." "Not for the first time; it has been there before." "And I who thought myself deserted!" "Do you recall," said Edmé, "the words of Randolph to Cecil?

Without being wealthy, the family, consisting of M. and Mme. Castaing and four children, was in comfortable circumstances. The young Edme was educated at the College of Angers the Alma Mater of Barre and Lebiez where, intelligent and hard working, he carried off many prizes.

"Dear Edmé," said she, as she opened the door of the room, "I have a surprise for you, guess what it is...." Clerambault saw a young man looking at him as he lay extended on a couch. The fair youthful face lit up by the setting sun, with its intelligent eyes, looked so healthy and calm that at first sight the thought of illness did not present itself. "You!" he exclaimed. "You here?"

Poor Edmé!... You must think me terribly selfish?" "No, what you say is perfectly natural and healthy. If we were all as sincere as you, humanity would not be the victim of the wicked notion of glory in suffering. You have every right to enjoy life after the trials you have passed through," and as he spoke he touched the Croix de Guerre which the young man wore on his breast.

Michael by Henri III. Henriette, as her name implies, was, together with her two sisters, the issue of this marriage; while her half-brother the Comte d'Auvergne, subsequently Duc d'Angoulême, was the son of Charles IX. Saint Edmé, Amours et Galanteries des Rois de France, Brussels, vol. ii. pp. 199, 200.

He looked younger than ever with this joyful surprise on his face, but neither the body, nor the arms which were covered, moved in the least, and Clerambault coming nearer saw that the head alone seemed to be alive. "Mamma, you have been giving me away," said Edmé Froment. "Did you not want to see me?" said Clerambault, bending over him.

'The voice of a man alone can in one hour put more life into us than the clang of five hundred trumpets sounded continuously." "That always reminds me of you," said Chastenay, but Edmé went on as if he had not heard him: ... "You have waked us all up." Clerambault looked at the brave calm eyes of the paralytic, and said: "Your eyes do not look as if they needed to be waked."