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But all the sympathy and gratitude in her went out to the little old woman who was coming home to a lonely home whose one dream-child was dead. No one had ever really needed her before to be needed appealed to her strongly. And in the short time between her own coming to Placid Pond and the coming of the other girls, a bond of real affection had been established between Mrs. Camp and herself.

No restraint sterner than a husband's loving hand should ever be put upon her, my pretty, piteous darling. I never spoke of the dream-child to her. The doctor advised against it. It would, he said, only serve to deepen the delusion. When he hinted at an asylum I gave him a look that would have been a fierce word for another man. He never spoke of it again.

She seemed more cheerful that day than she had been, and went about her household duties briskly and skillfully. My fear lifted. I was sure now that she had only dreamed. And I was confirmed in my hopeful belief when two nights had passed away uneventfully. Then, on the third night, he dream-child called to her again. I wakened from a troubled doze to find her dressing herself with feverish haste.

But to Gotleib, what an inexpressible blessedness was all this; and how often he left off to eat, that he might clasp Anna to his heart and cover her with kisses! Thus went the blessed married life until another spring brought with it the sweet "dream-child," as Anna called the little one, whom the angel said, was "the fruit of the union of good and truth."

Allee was most familiar with the brown-eyed dream-child, the little family at the parsonage were quite well acquainted with her, and occasionally Gail caught a fleeting glimpse of that hidden spirit, but to the rest of the little world in which she lived she was a bright-eyed, gay-hearted little romp, whose efforts to lend assistance to others were always leading her into mischief, oftentimes with unhappy results.

It quickens human souls, and brings them, if so they will, so close to God that they may clasp hands with Him. It is a time of wonder and renewed life, and a great outward and inward rapture, as of a young angel softly clapping his hands for creation's joy. At least, so it should be; and so it always had been with me until the spring when the dream-child first came into our lives.

She was just a dream-child, thrilling with wonder and love before the strange world in which she had been mysteriously placed, a dream-child and an excellent housewife in one, as full of common-sense on the one hand, as she was filled with fairy "nonsense" on the other. She was just, in fact, the wife for a poet.

I dreamed that I was in a quite heavenly place yet the place was as nothing it was the state for I sat with an infant in my arms a bright innocent little one and, thou, dearest Gotleib, knelt beside me; and an angel-woman stood near us, in a soft heavenly glory, and said, in low musical, spirit-words 'Behold the fruit of the union of good and truth. And then, methought, thou didst embrace me with a new joy of love, and whispered, 'an angel of God is born of us. This little one is the dream-child, dear Gotleib."

"Oh, you dream-child, you moonraker, what are you doing in a world where men work for their pleasures and women have to cringe for the scraps? What was I to do when Porfirio shut me out of doors, and you you, who had caused it, refused to come with me? Was I to spread my wings and fly straight into the lap of the Madonna? You would say so, I suppose!

In Othello's predicament Gaetano Crystals and snail- shells Broad, flagstone pavements Fishing-rods and blow- pipes Ghostly yarns Conservative effects of genius An ideal bust and a living one The enigma of spiritualism A difficult combination to overthrow The dream-child and the Philistine Dashing and plunging this way and that Teresa screamed for mercy Grapes and figs and ghostly voices My father would have settled there Kirkup the necromancer A miraculous birth A four-year-old medium The mysterious touch An indescribable horror Not even a bone of her was left Providence takes very long views.