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I tried it on a Moslem, and clove him in twain like a doughnut. The spirit of Grimes was upon me, and if I had had a graveyard I would have destroyed all the infidels in Jerusalem.

He is about the size of a doughnut, with a long bill, like a lawyer. We took passage per skiff at twelve o'clock. If there was one drawback, it was the fact that the oar-locks of the boat had been mislaid.

A French traveller, standing with a note-book in his hand, sees our English friend, Ben, buy a doughnut of the dwarf's brother, and eat it. Thereupon he writes in his note-book, that the Dutch take enormous mouthfuls, and universally are fond of potatoes boiled in molasses. There are some familiar faces near the white columns.

Before the first doughnut was out of the hot fat several hundred soldiers were waiting in long, patient, ever-growing lines for free doughnuts and chocolate. These things were always served free after the men had been over the top. The lassies had had no sleep for thirty-six hours, but they never thought of stopping until everybody was served.

Anyway, for all I know you've changed your mind and are coming out with me to-night, little one." The quick blood ran up into her small face, dyeing it, and she withdrew from his nearing features. "I have not! Gee! you're about as square as a doughnut, you are." "Jumping Juniper, can't a fellow miss his train just to wish a little beauty like you a Merry Christmas?

Close at his side was the doughty, puffing Captain McDill, whose full-orbed, jolly visage was illuminated by a most valiant red nose, shaped something like an overgrown doughnut, and looking as if it had been thrown at his face, and happened to hit in the middle.

"I can't eat mine they look so impossible!" And Barbara raised her hand and threw her doughnut over the cliff. "Oo-ah!" came from Jeb in dismay, but he hurriedly left the girls. Polly was surprised, too, but she merely said: "We never waste anything worth while. The chickens and pigs like doughnuts if we ever have any left for them."

The girls that prayed over the doughnuts, and then got the maximum of grace out of the minimum of grease. The young Adjutant lassie who fried the first doughnut in France says that invariably the boys would begin to talk about home and mother while they were eating the doughnuts.

But Miss Susan at Ingleside does, and sometimes she lets us have a plateful in Rainbow Valley. Do you know what I do when I'm hungry for doughnuts and can't get any, Mrs. Elliott?" "No, dearie. What?" "I get out mother's old cook book and read the doughnut recipe and the other recipes. They sound SO nice. I always do that when I'm hungry especially after we've had ditto for dinner.

"I'll lend it to you sometimes, Chicky, my son, if you'll promise to be good." "I say, Todd," said Chicky, giving him a quizzical glance, "I'd give a doughnut to know what motto you and Ab chose." Todd grinned. "You won't have much longer to wait," he said. "Time is nearly up, and we'll know our fate in another ten days."