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"Hard!" cried the ex-soldier, getting red at once with the passion of his protest "hard it ought to condemn him, to guillotine him. What are juries for if they don't kill such rascals as he?" "Doucement, doucement, monsieur," interrupted the bell-note of the merchant. "One doesn't condemn people without hearing both sides. There may be extenuating circumstances!" "Yes there are. He is a merchant.

He is in marked contrast to the levelling hatred of excellence, the Christian trades-unionism of the model Catholic of the mould of S. Francois de Sales whose maxim of life is "marchons avec la troupe de nos freres et compagnons, doucement, paisiblement, et amiablement." To Milton the people are But a herd confus'd, A miscellaneous rabble, who extol Things vulgar. Paradise Regained, iii. 49.

What is more important still, not before she had inspired him to write that sonnet which has about it so much of the charm of the morning: Mignonne, levez-vous, vous êtes paresseuse, Ja la gaie alouette au ciel a fredonné, Et ja le rossignol doucement jargonné, Dessus l'épine assis, sa complainte amoureuse.

"I beg your pardon, Father; I know I ought to be more careful in your presence; but but the beastly, hellish scoundrel " "Bah! doucement, mon fils, doucement." The old man shook his head and his finger while speaking. "Easy, my son, easy. You would be a fine target for bullets were your words to reach Hamilton's ears. You are not permitted to revile your commander."

For just such emergencies I had previously stocked up with two French words "Doucement!" and "Vite!" I knew that one of those words meant speed and the other meant less speed, but in the turmoil of the moment I may have confused them slightly.

"Ah, ca va tout doucement Paul is well, the good God be praised, but I I perish day by day" At which the entire court-yard was certain to burst into laughing protest. For the whole household of Guillaume le Conquerant was quite sure to be assembled about the great wheels of the pedler's wagon only to look, not to buy, not yet.

I may as well take this opportunity of saying that these two egotists carried out the promise of their respective letters. Mr. Fountain blustered for a year or two, and then showed manifest signs of relenting. Mrs. Bazalgette kept cool, and wrote, in oils, twice a year to Mrs. Dodd: "ET GARDAIT TOUT DOUCEMENT UNE HAINE IRRECONCILIABLE." Lucy had to answer these letters.

His arms were both round her; he was controlling the maddened horse only with the pressure of his knees. "Doucement, doucement." She heard the slow, soft voice indistinctly, for he was pressing her head again closely to him, and she did not know if the words were applied to herself or to the horse.

La reine chante doucement, La voiz acorde a l’estrument: Les mains sont belles, li lais bons, Douce la voiz et bas li tons. Marie thus refers to Count William: “Pur amur le cumte Willaume, Le plus vaillant de cest royaume, M’entremis de cest livre feire, E de l’Angleiz en Roman treire.” Macbeth. Add. MS. 38117, Brit. Mus.

Leonard's as soon as we possibly can. When did you tell the coachman to come for us?" "At half past ten," was the brother's reply. "Oh! Edward, Edward!" she exclaimed, "And I dare say he will not be punctual. He may keep us here till eleven." "Courage, mes enfants," said their mother, "et parlez plus doucement." The girl then ushered them into the back parlor, saying, "Here's the company."