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It is as follows: LIST OF MEN RAISED BY LIEUTENANT HENRY BEDINGER, AND THAT HE BROUGHT FROM NEW TOWN, BERKELEY COUNTY, VA., AUGUST FIRST, 1776 Dennis Bush, Fourth Sergeant. Conrad Cabbage, Prisoner, Died, Jan. 7th, 1777. John Cummins, Prisoner, Died, Jan. 27th, 1777. Gabriel Stevens, Prisoner, Died, March 1st, 1777. William Donally, Prisoner, Died, Jan. 10th, 1777.

Some of the most notable have been Baillie Friar, Beechgrove Donally, Goring of Auchentorlie, Hempstead Toby, and Preston Shot, who all earned the coveted title of Champion. The Field Trials have, no doubt, had a great deal to do with the largely augmented popularity of the breed and the great increase in the number of those who own Clumbers.

Yeah ... now he’s beginnin’ to run right over at th’ lip." The prisoner did loose a flood of words, Rennie and Chino listening intently, Donally coming to stand behind the others. Drew guessed by his changing expressions that the Anglo rider was as much at home in Spanish as Anse.

As his father had pointed out, a broken neck or a horse’s broken leg was not going to bring Shiloh any closer. He heard the sound of other horses and glanced back as they wheeled around the pillar to the east. Four riders were bunchedAnse, Nye, Teodoro, and Donally.

Drew sniffed the aroma of the bacon Donally was frying, his stomach protesting plaintively. "What are they sayin’?" he whispered to Anse. "Old Man pointed out nice an’ plain what th’ Mex’s in for, lessen he speaks up. This hombre, Rennie thinks maybe he don’t run regular with Kitchellmore’n likely he came up from th’ south, could be to guide th’ gang back there some place.

Even when saddled and ridden, the Kentucky stallion might respond to the challenge. And so handicapped he would have no chance! Drew bit hard on his underlip. The yap-yap of a coyote sounded brazenly from the ridge behind which Drew was almost certain the Pinto had trumpeted. "Pass the word," said Rennie. "Riders coming." Anse hissed it on to Donally, who hid in the brush behind.

"Don’t look like they was so tough they had to sneak up on th’ dipper to take a drink, do they now?" Donally asked of the room at large. "Don’t never judge no hoss by his coat an’ curryin’," Anse retorted. "I don’t, son. I never do," Nye replied. "As far as I’m concerned, you’re both so wild they have to tie a foot up when they give you a haircut.