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And this was the most famous of all dog-fights since the old Irish Brehons settled the laws of that sport, and gravely decided what was to be done if a child interfered, or an idiot, or a woman, or a one-eyed man for this was the dog-fight in which Rab first was introduced to his historian. Six years passed after this battle, and Dr. Brown was a medical student and a clerk at Minto Hospital.

He praised the heather country and Harting Coombe and the Hartings. He told them that London had suddenly become intolerable "In the spring sunshine." "You live in London?" said Mrs. Wilder. Yes. And he had wanted to think things out. In London one could do no thinking "Here we do nothing else," said Amanda. "Except dog-fights," said the elder cousin.

It resolved itself into this: there were no dog-meals on that journey; but only daily dog-fights snarling, scrapping, blood and hatred-letting scrimmages for grub; disgraceful episodes, in themselves sufficient to shut out any hope of discipline in the team. The quite inevitable shock came on the evening of the twelfth day. Incidentally it marked, too, the end of his easy-going good temper.

Now dog-fights are common; by no logic could one attribute weighty results to the loss of a sixty-pound leader, but in this instance it so happened that the mail-carrier's schedule suffered so that his contract was canceled.

Button, who was Lancashire bred and born, divided the yearnings of his spirit between strong drink and dog-fights. Mrs. Button, a viperous Londoner, yearned for noise. When Mr. Button came home drunk he punched his wife about the head and kicked her about the body, while they both exhausted the vocabulary of vituperation of North and South, to the horror and edification of the neighbourhood.

He leaned back in the cab, chewing industriously. Coombes, having somewhat recovered his breath, essayed speech. "Is it something big?" he asked. "Sure," snapped Kerry. "Do they send me to stop dog-fights?" Knowing the man and recognizing the mood, Coombes became silent, and this silence he did not break all the way to Vine Street.

I'm always stopping dog-fights." "I do admire a man who knows what to do at a dog-fight. I'm afraid I'm rather helpless myself. There never seems anything to catch hold of." She looked down. "Have you been reading? What is the book?" "The book? Oh, this. It's a volume of Tennyson." "Are you fond of Tennyson?" "I worship him," said Sam reverently.

They contain no "editorials" whatever; no "personals" and this is rather a merit than a demerit, perhaps; no funny-paragraph column; no police-court reports; no reports of proceedings of higher courts; no information about prize-fights or other dog-fights, horse-races, walking-machines, yachting-contents, rifle-matches, or other sporting matters of any sort; no reports of banquet speeches; no department of curious odds and ends of floating fact and gossip; no "rumors" about anything or anybody; no prognostications or prophecies about anything or anybody; no lists of patents granted or sought, or any reference to such things; no abuse of public officials, big or little, or complaints against them, or praises of them; no religious columns Saturdays, no rehash of cold sermons Mondays; no "weather indications"; no "local item" unveiling of what is happening in town nothing of a local nature, indeed, is mentioned, beyond the movements of some prince, or the proposed meeting of some deliberative body.

In the intervals of more serious business, the vaults and cellars of Tandy's frequently resounded to the agonies and brutal hilarities of cock-fights, dog-fights, and other repulsive sports and pastimes common to the English both gentle and simple of that virile but singularly gross and callous age.

A wide-awake, bustling fellow, who craves excitement, who is never happy unless whirling around like a bobbin with a ten-per-cent. semi-annual dividend to earn, who is on hand at all the dog-fights, Irish funerals, runaway teams, tenement fires, razor-strop matinées, and public convulsions generally, such a man, if he went well recommended, would be likely to find, I imagine, constant employment in the town of Danbury.