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Updated: September 14, 2024

If cat's loose, that's aboot what!" Laura's face lit up. Very few things now had power to please her but Daffady's dialect, and Daffady's scorns. "And so all the world is idle but you farm people?" "A doan't say egsackly idle," said Daffady, with a good-humoured tolerance. "But the factory-hands, Daffady?"

"There baint no warter put tu't, Joe Gudewyn. The warter-varl be tu handy vur yure brewin'." "Zum of my customers has weak 'yeds, 'tis arl the better for they," said Goodwyn, calmly. "Then charge 'em accardin', Mr. Landlord, charge 'em accardin', zays I. Warter doan't cost 'ee nart, du 'un?" said Happy Jack, triumphantly.

His faith in Ned was strong, but he had found the opinion in the town so unanimous against him that he longed for an assurance that some one beside himself believed in Ned's innocence. "Oi doan't know, Bill," Luke Marner said, stroking his chin as he always did when he was thinking; "oi doan't know, Bill oi hoape he didn't do it, wi' all my heart. But oi doan't know aboot it.

Shaking himself out of these melancholy forebodings Harrison Smith approached an old seaman with the offer of a "good evening" and a fill of tobacco. "Pretty quiet hereabouts," he remarked. The old man nodded. "Still I dare say you get steamers and such like popping in every day to liven things up." "Bearn't draught enuff for steamers. They doan't bother us much, steamers doan't."

"Ess, that's so; but we doan't take in folks for the axin'. Tu many queer caraters about." Will saw the man's eyes twinkle, yet he was puzzled at this unexpected problem. "Look here," he said, "I like you, and I'll deal fair by you an' tell you the rights of it. Step out here an' listen." "Mind, what you sez will be used against you, then." "Theer ban't no secret in it, for that matter."

I doan't say as Varley had ever a good name, or was a place where a quiet chap would have chosen to live, For fighting and drink there weren't a worse place in all Yorkshire, but there weren't no downright mischief till he came.

"She've lied to me," was his answer; "she've lied oftentimes; she'm false to whatever I did teach her; she've sawld herself she've no more on it no more on it but awnly this: I call 'pon God A'mighty to bear witness she'm no Tregenza never never." "'Tweer her mother in the gal; but doan't 'e say more 'bout that, Michael.

"Us doan't want to knaw no more 'bout it," declared his mother after dinner was over. "You've laced en an' that's enough. You knaw what faither'll say. You did ought to fight no battle but the Lard's. Now clap this here over your eye for a bit, then be off with 'e."

The two boys stopped astonished. "We are going to Marsden," Ned replied; "but what's that to you?" "Doan't ee moind wot it be to oi," the boy said; "oi tell ee ee can't goa no further; yoi've got ter go back." "We shan't go back," Ned said; "we have got as much right to go this way as you have. This is not your land; and if it is, we ain't hurting it."

"This be worse nor I looked for," the boy said to himself; "I suppose I'll get used to it, but I doan't wonder that some young uns who ain't strong as I be are badly frighted at first." Presently the confused noise seemed to get louder, then a distinct rumble was heard, and Jack felt with delight that a train of waggons was approaching.

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