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"So far so good," said Flanagan, who cared not now whether his voice was known or not; "the prize is mine, boys, an' how to bring ma colleen dhas dhun to a snug place, an' a friendly priest that I have to put the knot on us for life." "By ," thought Duffy, "I'll put a different kind of a knot on you for that, if I should swing myself for it."

Una Dhun O'Brien to think of me! nonsense, man; that cock would never fight." "Very well; divil a morsel of us is forcin' you to b'lieve it. I suppose the mother o' you has your wooden spoon to the fore still. I'd kiss the Bravery you didn't come into the world wid a silver ladle in your mouth, anyhow.

"Did you ever hear tell of one Colleen dhas dhun as she's called, known by the name Una or Oona O'Brien, daughter to one Bodagh Buie O'Brien, the richest man, barin' a born gentleman, in the three parishes?"

After a glass of punch had gone round, she waxed inveterately eloquent, indeed, so much so that the mourner, the colleen dhas dhun, herself was more than once forced to smile, and in some instances fairly to laugh at the odd grotesque spirit of her descriptions. "The rascal was quick!" said the Bodagh, "but upon my credit, Biddy, you wor a pop afore him for all that.

"Throth, an' Oona will take a glass, herself, this night," added her mother; "an' thanks be to Goodness she'll be our colleen dhas dhun again won't you have a glass, asthore machree?" "I'll do anything that any of you wishes me, mother," replied Una.

"I wasn't Una dhas dhun O'Brien in my best days; an' be the vestment, you warn't Connor, that has more feelin', an' spirit, an' generosity in the nail of his little finger than ever you had in your whole carcass. I tell you if he doesn't get married to that girl he'll break his heart.

I wish he loved it less, to be sure, but it cannot be helped; in the mean time, ma colleen dhas dhun O, how I love them words! God bless your brother! he must have a kind heart, Una dear, and he must love you very much when he promises to assist us." "He has, and will; but, Connor, why did you send such a disagreeable, forward, and prying person, as your father's servant to bring me your message?

This was admitted by all who had ever seen the colleen dhan dhun, or "the purty brown girl," as she was called, and it followed as a matter of course, that Flanagan's words could imply no other than the Bodagh's daughter. It is unnecessary to say, that Flanagan, knowing this as he did, could almost have bit a portion of his own tongue off as a punishment for its indiscretion.

You wor too good too good, I doubt to be long in such a world as this, an' no wondher that the heart of the fair young colleen, the heart of the Colleen dhas dhun should rest upon you and love you; for who ever knew you that didn't?

"She's a purty girl the purtiest indeed I ever laid my two livin' eyes upon, and by all accounts as good as she's purty; but I say that, face to face, you're as good, ay, an' as handsome, Fardorougha, as she is. God bless her, any way, an' mark her to grace and happiness, ma colleen dhas dhun."