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The old dog-world took signal from it. The one-legged devil-god waved his wooden hoof, and the creatures in view, the hunt was uproarious. Why should we seem better than we are? down with hypocrisy, cried the censor morum, spicing the lamentable derelictions of this and that great person, male and female.

And their prototypes have survived through the centuries, even unto today, insisting upon this idea of blood sacrifice and death atonement, unworthy of any people except the worshipers of some heathen devil-god in the remote sections of darkest Africa.

And when Joshua went out, this is what he found on the ground under my window." She handed Kennedy a box, a peculiar affair which she touched gingerly and only with signs of the greatest aversion. Kennedy opened it. There, in the bottom of the box, was a little ivory devil-god. He looked at it curiously a moment. "Let me see," he ruminated, still regarding the sign.

In a solid mass of muscled ebony they waited the coming of the devil-god; yet beneath their brave exteriors lurked a haunting fear that all might not be quite well with them that this strange creature could yet prove invulnerable to their weapons and inflict upon them full punishment for their effrontery.

Rounded muscles shot into great, tensed piles beneath the brown hide the ape-man surged forward with all his weight and all his great strength the bonds parted, and the three were rolling upon the floor of the crater snarling, snapping, and rending. Bukawai leaped to his feet. Could it be that the devil-god was to prevail against his servants? Impossible!

The boy was without a conscience, almost without a soul, as priests and parsons reckon souls, but there was a slumbering devil-god within him, and Yeovil's taunting words had broken the slumber.

Then came Bukawai, and at first he could not believe the witness of his own eyes; but when he did and saw that it was indeed the devil-god his rage knew no bounds, for he thought him dead and himself cheated of the revenge he had so long dreamed upon. The hyenas approached the ape-man with bared fangs.

Not until he came to his feet did Rabba Kega obtain a square look at his assailant. When he saw that it was the white devil-god his heart sank within him and his knees trembled; but as he walked along the trail ahead of his captor and was neither injured nor molested his spirits slowly rose, so that he took heart again. Possibly the devil-god did not intend to kill him after all.

He blinked his one eye angrily, then he, too, let out a loud roar, and when he was sure that Mbonga had turned toward him, he stiffened rigidly and made spasmodic movements with his arms and legs. "I see him!" he cried. "He is far away. The white devil-god did not get him.

Springing to the top of the cage he pulled upon the cord which raised the door, and a moment later a great lion in the prime of his strength and vigor leaped out into the village. The warriors, returning from a futile search for Tarzan, saw him step into the firelight. Ah! there was the devil-god again, up to his old trick.