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She expounds the priests of Baal, reading ministers, and thinks the salvation of that parish as desperate as the Turk's. She is a main derider to her capacity of those that are not her preachers, and censures all sermons but bad ones. If her husband be a tradesman, she helps him to customers, howsoever to good cheer, and they are a most faithful couple at these meetings, for they never fail.

"Did not my Lord Cardinal mention Truth?" answered the brutal poet. "You are a derider a gross sinner," said the Cardinal languidly. "Stick to your verses, man, and leave Truth alone." "Agreed if your excellency will stick to Truth and quit writing verses. I offer the compact in the interest of humanity, which will be the gainer." The company shook with laughter at this direct and offensive hit.

Despoiler of the orphan, and derider of human love, you are not the less a robber though the law fences you round, and men call you honest! But I did not hate you for this. Now, in the presence of my dead mother dead, far from both her sons now I abhor and curse you. You may think yourself safe when you quit this room-safe, and from my hatred you may be so but do not deceive yourself.

"'I smell the blood of an Englishman'" continued Cap. "Derider of the fates, you are foredoomed to crime!" "'Be he alive or be he dead, I'll have his brains to butter my bread!" concluded Cap. "Be silent!" shrieked the beldame. "I won't!" said Cap. "Because you see, if we are in for the horrible, I can beat you hollow at that!" "'Avaunt! and quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee!

The preceptor was nominally a Protestant, a biting derider of all superstitions, indeed! He was such a Protestant as some defender of Voltaire's religion says the Great Wit would have been had he lived in a Protestant country.

But when he had mounted and was riding off, the crowd, recovering courage from his remoteness, hurled its curses after him and shrilly branded him, "Derider!" and "Blasphemer!" He rode contemptuously amain, however, looking back but once, and then to laugh at them.

Nevertheless, we are told that, failing in this attempt, the chief priests suborned false witnesses to testify against him: this Sabbath-breaker, this derider of Mosaic formalism, who with his Messianic pretensions excited the people against their hereditary teachers, must at all events be put out of the way.

Whereupon Tom arose, and giving vent thus to his grief and shame and rage, smote his derider on the nose; and made it bleed; which sent that young worthy howling to the usher, who reported Tom for violent and unprovoked assault and battery. Hitting in the face was a felony punishable with flogging, other hitting only a misdemeanour a distinction not altogether clear in principle.

"Do thou too, king, if thou hast any wit, flee thy savage bride, lest the she-wolf bring forth a litter like herself, and a beast spring from thee that shall hurt its own father. "Tell me, Rote, continual derider of cowards, thinkest thou that we have avenged Frode enough, when we have spent seven deaths on the vengeance of one?

Violent Party-Men, who differ'd in all Things besides, agreed, in their Turn, to shew particular Respect and Friendship to this insolent Derider of the Worship of his Country, till at last the reputed Writer is not only gone off with Impunity, but triumphs in his Dignity and Preferment.