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It's of little consequence who is trying to poison us, don't you know. And all that. They wouldn't do it, I'm sure, but somebody is! That's what I mean, d'ye see? Lady Dep " "I know my husband wouldn't couldn't do such a thing, Lord Deppingham," came from Drusilla's stiff lips, almost as a moan. She was very miserable. "Of course not, my dear Drusilla," he protested nervously.

You say you do not remember, but can you say she did not speak so? Mr. C. I do remember that she looked at them as the apostles before the ascension.... Dep. Gov. They affirm that Mrs. Hutchinson did say they were not able ministers of the New Testament. Mr. C. I do not remember it. Mrs.

"By the sacred codfish!" bawled Broadway, "if that ain't Dep Crymble! How be ye, Dep?" Mr. Crymble lacked either breath or amiability. He did not reply to the friendly greeting. Cap'n Sproul did that for him enigmatically. "He's back from paradise on his third furlough," he cried. "And bound to hell," mourned Mr. Crymble, stumbling along before the thrust of the fist at his back.

Your sheryt waists are the wuyst in the dep, if you don't mind my sayin' so, and the guyls speak of it. Now if you had a party dress to doll up in, I could give you the time of your life to-night." "Could you?" echoed Win, more in the desire to turn Miss Leavitt's attention from her "shirt waist" to something else than because she wished to hear about the great opportunity.

At all events, she saw the danger, for she closed her little speech in these touching words: "Now if you do condemn me for speaking what in my conscience I know to be truth, I must commit myself unto the Lord." Mr. Nowell. How do you know that that was the Spirit? Mrs. H. How did Abraham know that it was God?... Dep. Gov. By an immediate voice. Mrs. H. So to me by an immediate revelation.

* The French monarch had given particular orders to his ministers to cultivate the prince's friendship; who must soon, said he, have chief authority in England, where the king and queen are held in so little estimation. See Dep. de la Boderie, vol. i. p. 402, 415; vol. ii p. 16, 349. Coke's Detection, p. 37.

Gov. Daniel was delivered by miracle. Do you think to be delivered so too? Mrs. H. I do here speak it before the court. I look that the Lord should deliver me by his providence.... Dep. Gov. I desire Mr. Cotton to tell us whether you do approve of Mrs. Hutchinson's revelations as she hath laid them down. Mr.

Orders," writes disgruntled Lieutenant Barker. "If any officers of the different Regts. are capable of taking sketches of a Country, they will send their names to the Dep. Adj. Genl ... that is an extraordinary method of wording the order; it might at least have been in a more genteel way; at present it looks as if he doubted whether there were any such."

While he stood tamely being prodded and measured, feeling like a prize horse at a fair, John Andrews listened to the man at the typewriter, whose voice went on monotonously. "No...record of sexual dep.... O hell, this eraser's no good!... pravity or alcoholism; spent...normal...youth on farm. App-ear-ance normal though im...say, how many 'm's' in immature?"

"That's her name, sonny, but I didn't think that you'd tumble to it quite as quick as the others. Every new man manages to saunter round here to get a sight of that receipt, and I've seen hoary old depositors outside edge around inside, pretendin' they wanted to see the dep, jest to feast their eyes on that girl's name.