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Lone stiffened in his chair, felt under his coat, and then got up with some deliberation and looked out of the window before he went to the door. All this was a matter of habit, bred of Lone's youth in the feud country, and had nothing whatever to do with his conscience. "Hello!" he called, standing in the doorway and grinning a welcome to Swan, who stood with one arm resting on the board gate.

The following answer was transmitted to the Senate, the next morning: "The honorable proof of your esteem, given in your deliberation of the 8th, will remain forever engraven on my heart. In the three years which have just elapsed fortune has smiled upon the republic. But fortune is fickle. How many men whom she has loaded with favors, have lived a few years too long.

"You know it was that arternoon that fool Stacey sent the sheriff and the Harrisons over to McKinstry's barn." "Go on!" petulantly said the master, who had his own reasons for not caring to recall it. "It was that arternoon, you know, that you hadn't time to hark to me hevin' to go off on an engagement," continued Uncle Ben with protracted deliberation, "and"

No cigars, gents. Leave 'em here. They'll be safe. Come on, now. It's nearly time to go to supper." The judge informed the jury that they could not find the man guilty of bigamy and curtly ordered them back to their room for further deliberation.

It may be that he dreaded offending the revolution, to which he owed so much, by too great an affectation of royal style. If the gratitude of such a heartless thing could be relied on, he had no need to fear. Without the sword of Piedmont the revolution never could have entered Rome. Meanwhile, the Pope was engaged in most anxious deliberation.

It is the searchlight of a British cruiser, keeping ceaseless vigil in the English Channel, fifteen miles away. If she were not there we should not be making-believe here with such comfortable deliberation. It would be the real thing. Bobby Little, who by this time can almost discern spiked German helmets in the gloom, stands tingling.

In this happy state of things, it is not surprising that the management of Magua prevailed. The tribe consented to act with deliberation, and with one voice they committed the direction of the whole affair to the government of the chief who had suggested such wise and intelligible expedients. Magua had now attained one great object of all his cunning and enterprise.

"I did not make the assertion from knowledge of the act co-existent with the performance of the act itself," said Maillot at length, with a great show of deliberation. A man can't be utterly hardened who can quiz another at such a time.

She had not, it is true, become formally engaged to him. When he had asked her to become his wife she had teasingly asked for time for deliberation; but this was not because she felt any especial doubt about ultimately accepting him. She was pleased, maiden-like, to dally, and shrank from being formally bound. Her pulses had not yet stirred with the unrest which love awakens.

I did not hurry, however, but rose and dressed with more deliberation than usual, for my experience is that a savage even although that savage happens to be a king respects a white man in direct proportion to the time that the latter keeps him waiting; therefore I directed Piet to inform the messengers that I was not yet ready to receive them, but would do so as soon as I had partaken of breakfast.