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"It was magnificent! Those two great artists! But over all the play the play! Romance new-born; poesy marching with victorious banners; a great spirit breathing! Like 'Cyrano' the birth-mark of immortality on this work!" There was another pause, after which old Tom turned slowly to me, and said: "Homer Tibbs's opened up a cigar-stand at the deepo.

But latah on I could fix things so 's you could have the whole third floor ef you wanted to. Most o' my gent'men 's railroad gent'men, they is. I guess it must 'a' been Mr. Thomas that sent you up here." "He was a little bright man down at de deepo." "Yes, that 's him. That 's Mr. Thomas.

Yes, ma'am, as I was coming in home to-night from the Cañada I struck that animal's tracks in the mud down by the ford back of the deepo he'd been down to the river for a drink, I reckon and they was so fresh he couldn't a-been more'n five minutes gone.

Then he rattled the mules over the bridge and brought 'em a-clipping up the slope this side of it; and then in another minute he pulled right up at the deepo platform where we all was.

Santa turned to the old gent, Hill said talking as polite as a Pullman conductor and told him since he'd been so kind to his unhappy niece he hoped he'd come along with 'em to the hotel too where he'd be more comfortable, Santa said, getting something to eat and drink than he would be kicking around the deepo waiting till they'd filled in the wash-out and the train could start.

The committeemen receive no salary for their services; the sole compensation is the pleasure derived from the sense of duty done. Rain, snow, or shine, the committee is on hand at the station the natives, of course, call it the "deepo" to consume borrowed tobacco and to favor Providence with its advice concerning the running of the universe.

Being only mostly Greasers and Indians living in the Territory leaving out the white folks at Santa and the army posts, and the few Germans there was scattered about them kind of queer-sounding names was what was mainly used. The only things you could call houses was the deepo, and the Forest Queen Hotel right across the track from it, and Bill Hart's store.

Ye must get the childher ready f'r a day in th' counthry. We can't tell how soon this sthruggle again th' greed iv capital will be declared off an' we must make th' most iv it while it lasts, says he. "I know a tillygraft op'rator, wan iv thim knights iv th' key that has a fine job in a counthry deepo.

The little man was left to himself a-purpose; and he was so shook up, while he was coming along with the crowd over to the deepo, he couldn't say a word. But he managed to get his stamps going, though they didn't work well, when we was all on the platform waiting while Wood rigged up the rope on the telegraph-pole and he asked Santa , speaking husky, what the boys meant to do.

He ended up by saying that if they did make any such fool show of him he'd like 'em to put it through quick and get him back to the deepo and telegraph him off to Kingdom Come in a hurry as he'd be glad at any price to be shut of a crowd that would play it on anybody that low down! Cherry stuck it out, though, to have things his way.