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The breakfast party was almost confined to ourselves, for though her aunt was present she was only there for decency's sake. After breakfast we resolved to have a ride, and she changed her clothes before me, but also before her aunt. She first put on her leather breeches, then let her skirts fall, took off her corset, and donned a jacket.

"Suppose we go and call on Hubbard now? He's right up here on Clover Street!" "I don't know," said Atherton. "It would do for you; you're an old friend. But for me, wouldn't it be rather unceremonious?" "Oh, come along! They'll not be punctilious. They'll like our dropping in, and I shall have Hubbard off my conscience. I must go to see him sooner or later, for decency's sake."

We have nothing but petticoats here and shimmeys." "Then what must I do?" exclaimed Smallbones. "Oh, I see, your shirt is torn off your back. Well, never mind, I'll lend you a shimmey." "Yes, Mistress Nancy, but it be more worse than that; I an't got no behind to my trousers, they pulled it out when they pulled me into the boat. I sticks to this here rock for decency's sake. What must I do?"

"But can't you make the MacMorroghs do a little police work, for common decency's sake?" Ford shook his head. "They are quite on the other side of the fence, as I told you in the beginning. By winking at lawlessness of all kinds, their own particular brands of lawlessness, by which they and their backers make money, go unquestioned.

A cold light fell from the high windows of the building and constant dampness reigned there, with the mouldy smell like that of a cellar dripping with water. At last M. Sabathier was stripped, divested of all garments save a little apron which had been fastened about his loins for decency's sake. "Pray don't plunge me," said he; "let me down into the water by degrees."

But he went at such a pace that, though he certainly galloped through a considerable extent of the ancient country, he clean forgot it in after-life, and had only such a vague remembrance of his early classic course as a man has in the House of Commons, let us say, who still keeps up two or three quotations; or a reviewer who, just for decency's sake, hints at a little Greek.

The cathedral houses, among other disturbing, disgusting, and positively indecent representations of the Crucifixion and various martyrdoms done in the Aztec style of bloody realism, a life-size Cristo with masses of long real hair and a pair of knee-length knit drawers for decency's sake. One might fancy the place weighed down by a Puritan censorship.

Love as many women as you like, but for decency's sake can't you honour your wife with a polite lie?" "It's not in me to lie, or to love but one woman." The banker's massive shoulders went up and his bushy brows lifted. "You'll end with a dozen, and it's such a stupid old story. You think the performance an original drama in which you are playing a star role.

To be sure, you've got the homestead, and for decency's sake I think I'd wait a while longer ere I commenced tearing down and building up." Lenora's words had no effect whatever upon her mother, who still kept on with her plans, treating with silent contempt the remarks of the neighbors, or wishing, perhaps, that they would attend to their own business, just as she was attending to hers!

He did wickedly, and we may have to curse him some for decency's sake, but be deserves pity, too, for he was the misguided pupil of that arch-heretic Luther. That is Catholic equity in estimating Luther's share in the peasant uprising. We only note in conclusion that Thomas Muenzer died in the arms of the alone-saving Church, a penitent prodigal that had returned to the bosom of "Holy Mother."