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I had been chuckling at the prospect of getting a far-off glimpse of the first act of this comedy. My revulsion of feeling was dazing.

Working his arms cautiously, he sprang clear of the clinch, then, rushing his man and feinting for the ribs, he rocked Redmond's head back with two terrific left and right hooks to the jaw. The jarring sting of the punches, although dazing him slightly, brought Redmond to his senses, as he realized how vulnerable his momentary loss of temper had rendered him.

This place is like a fort, and " His speech was interrupted by a dazing, deafening tumult of sound. The earth trembled, and the laboratory, steel though it was, with concrete facing, rocked on its foundation. A glare through the windows, quickly fading, told them the building they had just quitted was now but a smoking pile of ruin. Flint gasped, unable to speak.

She put on her spectacles, that she might stare more effectively. Then a light broke in on her, a light too incredible, too dazing even for Aunt Clara's confident mind. "Eh? David Quentin! Do you mean to tell me do you mean there is another woman? Who is she?" He made no answer, but though his tired face went even whiter, steadily withstood her gaze.

It was not the fact that he had not suggested marriage which stirred Maggie: men and women in Barney's class lived together, and sometimes they were married and sometimes they were not. It was something else, something of which she was not definitely conscious: but she felt no such momentary thrill, no momentary, dazing surrender, as she had felt the night when Larry had similarly held her.

He wondered how nearly he could come to breaking them and escape. He experimented during the forenoon, and received a warning. Another experiment would mean correction. He did not expect to be caught again; but when he least expected it he was startled by a command to go out and bring a stick for his own punishment. This was rather dazing.

"Tell me," she clasped her hands behind her back and looked at him in marvellous, simple candour, "do I really announce this to you? Was there not in yourself anywhere deep down any knowledge of it?" "I did not guess I did not dream!" "And now?" she asked. A heavenly current drifted from her, the words rose and fell on it with the most dazing suggestion in their soft hesitancy.

He was all worn out by the continuous roar of bombardments that had been shaking the dugouts and dazing his brains for weeks. He was pretty well fed up. The officer commanding the battery, a young man in a very neat uniform and of particularly high birth, came up and spat in his face. The Sergeant-Major sprang to attention, received an order, and took a stick at once and beat up the tired men.

He had read to my mother, beside her bed, the newspaper containing an account of my case; and she had given him money, and he had started with violent haste for London. The haste and the rush were still dazing him.

"Tell me," she clasped her hands behind her back and looked at him in marvellous simple candour, "do I really announce this to you? Was there not in yourself anywhere deep down any knowledge of it?" "I did not guess I did not dream!" "And now?" she asked. A heavenly current drifted from her, the words rose and fell on it with the most dazing suggestion in their soft hesitancy.