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"I move you, gentlemen, that it be the sense o' this meetin' that B. McGuffey, Esquire, be an' he is hereby app'inted a committee o' one to lam the everlastin' daylights out o' that sinful former chief mate o' ourn for abandonin' the syndicate to a horrible death on that there desert island. Do I hear a second to that motion?" "Second the motion," chirped Captain Scraggs.

"I have kept as good company as the lady, I believe, every day in the week. Good woman! I don't use to be so treated. If the lady says such another word to me, d n me, I will darken her daylights. Marry, come up! Good woman! the lady's a whore as well as myself! and, though I am sent hither to mill doll, d n my eyes, I have money enough to buy it off as well as the lady herself."

"No; not until I got near the lot. I followed their tracks you see. Finally some people told me a kid was leading the herd back here. I knew that was you. Phil Forrest, you are a dandy. I can't talk now! I'm too winded. I'll tell you later on what I think of your kind. Now I'm going to whale the daylights out of that Jupiter." "Please don't do anything of the sort," begged Phil. "He is quiet now.

I can't whale the daylights out of the ghost, and I don't suppose it would be proper for a first selectman to cuff the ears of the woman that said females was followin' me, wailin' and gnashin' their teeth, but I can lick that yaller-fingered, cigarette-suckin' dude, and pay the fine for so doin' and reckon I've got my money's worth." "You need a guardeen," snorted Hiram.

When I got back in hiding I spoke out, I told him something something that made his crabbed old soul wizen up, something that scared the daylights out of him. He had a brother, once. He's dead, now. I said something that made this old rascal think his brother's ghost had come back to earth to haunt him." "How could you do that?" inquired Bart, very much interested.

But sometimes when he would send for us and we would be a long time comin', he would ask us where we had been. If we told him we had been learnin' to read, he would near beat the daylights out of us after gettin' somebody to teach us; I think he did some of that so that the other owners wouldn't say he was spoilin' his slaves." "He was funny about us marryin', too.

'F you send me down there to come haulin' that there burro back up here so's the camery kin watch me sweat 'n' puff my danged daylights out before I git a drink uh water, I'll murder ye in cold blood, now I'm tellin' ye!" "You go on down there and shut up!" Luck yelled inexorably. "You can drink a barrel when I'm through with this scene and not before. Get that? My Lord!

I'm not a constituent, and you needn't run any bluffs on me. You're tickled to death with that boy, and you are hoping that team will lick the everlasting daylights out of Chicago, Thanksgiving; and you wouldn't miss the game or have Bob out of the coaching for the whole of California; and you know it. Send him along when you get ready."

"I'd hate to say you've lost your nerve, Weary," Pink cried at last, in sheer desperation. "But why the devil didn't you get down and thump the daylights out of that black son-of-a-gun? I came pretty near walking into him myself, only I hate to butt into another fellow's scrap. But, if I'd known you were going to set there and let him walk off with that sneer on his face "

"Let's surround 'em," was the suggestion offered. "We'll hammer the daylights out of 'em," came from one lad, who could only be brave when backed up by a crowd. "Yes, surround 'em, don't let 'em get away!" cried Bock. "Come on!" And he led the way on the run, making snowballs as he moved.