United States or Denmark ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And then my eyes fell on a paragraph which at first I had overlooked a modest, brief despatch tucked away in a corner, and unremarkable, except for its strange date-line. It was headed, "The Revolt in Honduras." I pointed to it with my finger, and Beatrice leaned forward with her head close to mine, and we read it together. "Tegucigalpa, June 17th," it read.

So pack up and appear." The delay in the posting of this appeal soon brought from Winnebago a letter outside the usual course of correspondence. It was on a fresh sheet and under a new date-line that Cope continued. After a page of generalities and of attention to particular points in the letter from Wisconsin, Cope took up his own line of thought.

Van Lennop stood quite still and read it again, even to the unintelligible date-line. He felt suddenly lifeless, listless, as though he wanted to sit down. It was all over, then. She had received his letter and his telegram, and her reply to his offer of his love and himself was silence? It was not like her, but there seemed nothing more for him to do.

Sleepy Cat reported eighteen inches of fresh snow, and a second delayed despatch under the same date-line reported that a bucking special from Medicine Bend, composed of a rotary, a flanger, and five locomotives had passed that point at 9 A.M. for the eighth district. Gertrude found no interest in the news or the discussion.

Its date-line carried the name of his own city in the "greasewood country" the capital of the State and the time-markings sufficiently indicated its recent arrival. Below the date-line he read: TO EVAN SHELBY BLOUNT, Standish Apartments, Boston. You have had everything that money could buy, and you owe me nothing but an occasional sight of your face.

On the following morning, Blount found a telegram on his desk. It bore the vice-president's name, and the date-line was Twin Canyons City. It directed him to go to a remote portion of the State beyond the Lost River Mountains to examine the papers in a right-of-way case which was coming up for trial at the next term of court.

Dundee withdrew the single sheet of business stationery, and obligingly held it so that the chief of detectives could read it also. "Nita, my sweet," the note began, without date-line, "Forgive your bad boy for last night's row, but I must warn you again to watch your step. You've already gone too far. Of course I love you and understand, but Be good, Baby, and you won't be sorry."

"Can't he see that this will only be publicity for your brands. Why, darn his crinkled old hide, I'll show him. And I'll bet I'll have him eating out of your hand in less than a week." He glanced curiously at the paper. "Regular correspondence," he muttered, as he noticed the date-line of the news-item. "That means it comes from the little paper down there. What did you ever do to Tommy Black?"

Eh, Roy? We'll see if He keeps her from eliminating herself! "That's the way of it, Roy. Clever yes? Neatness and thoroughness, and everything shipshape and Bristol fashion that's my style, Roy. Listen, Roy, I have another item for the logbook which Fitzgibbon will copy. It needs but a date-line to be complete.

As the editor of the Age is quite anxious to ascertain my nationality he probably suspects that I may be his father. The Independent, which I infer from the date-line of a letter calling attention to its existence, is published at Pomeroy, Wash., proposes, bumbye, to "give a history of the robberies committed by Brann during the war." H ;! I can do that myself.