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Government having been informed of the murder of Watson by two Dahcotah Indians, orders were received at Fort Snelling that two companies should proceed to the Sisseton country, and take the murderers, that they might be tried by the laws of the United States. Now for excitement, the charm of garrison life.

Guns and blankets, powder and shot, knives and trinkets, were in requisition instead of title-deeds and settlements. So, when all was ready, War Club put the presents on a horse, and carried them to the door of Walking Wind's wigwam. He does not ask for the girl, however, as this would not be Dahcotah etiquette.

You promised me to do so, and a Dahcotah values his word." The young man hesitated, for he loved his mother, and he knew it would grieve her to be told the expedition upon which he was going. The eyes of his comrade flashed fire, and his lip curled scornfully, as he turned towards the son of Harpstenah. I will tell you where we are going," he added.

A Dahcotah chieftain ought to be too wise to laugh at justice." The crafty Mahtoree, who saw that his free-thinking was not likely to produce a favourable impression on the old man, instantly changed his ground, by alluding to the more immediate subject of their interview.

The Christian knows that the body will live again; that the life-giving breath of the Eternal will once more re-animate the helpless clay; that the eyes which were brilliant and beautiful in life will again look brightly from the now closed lids when the dead shall live when the beloved child shall "rise again." The Dahcotah woman has no such hope.

Years ago, the Dahcotah hunted where the Mississippi takes its rise the tribe claiming the country as far south as St. Louis. But difficulties with the neighboring tribes have diminished their numbers and driven them farther north and west; the white people have needed their lands, and their course is onward. How will it end? Will this powerful tribe cease to be a nation on the earth?

The Dahcotah dreams not that it is wrong to resent an injury to the death; but the Christian knows that God has said, Vengeance is mine! The Track-maker had added to his fame. He had taken many scalps, and the Dahcotah maidens welcomed him as a hero as one who would no longer refuse to acknowledge the power of their charms.

They were glad to see the young bear-woman back again, but they hated the Dahcotah, and determined on his death. However, they received him hospitably, conducted him and his wife to a large lodge, gave them food, and the tired travellers were soon asleep. But the Dahcotah soon perceived he was among enemies, and he kept a careful look out upon them.

"I went, as you know, to talk with the big Captain of the Fort, and he, knowing the bravery of the Dahcotahs, and that I was a great chief, has brought me home, as you see. Never has a Dahcotah warrior been thus honored!" Never indeed! But we took care not to undeceive him.

"When there is hunger in the lodge of a warrior, he looks for the buffaloe, which is given him for food," the Teton continued, struggling to keep down the ire excited by the other's scorn. "The Wahcondah has made more of them than he has made Indians. He has not said, This buffaloe shall be for a Pawnee, and that for a Dahcotah; this beaver for Konza, and that for an Omawhaw.