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Kate, who believed everything that Dick told her, listened with a heightened temperature. At Margate the admirer of Herve's music became an American who wished to see Chilperic, Trone d'Ecosse, Le Petit Faust, L'Oeil Creve, Marguerite de Navarre, reproduced as they had been produced under the composer's direction when Dick was stage-manager at that theatre.

'Il n'y a aucun exemple dans l'histoire d'une maison si longtems infortunée. Le premier des Rois d'Écosse, [ses aïeux] qui eut le nom de Jacques, après avoir été dix-huit ans prisonnier en Angleterre, mourut assassiné, avec sa femme, par la main de ses sujets. Jacques II, son fils, fut tué

Don't imagine that I want to become a procurator; I want these works for my Sahalin book. I am going to direct my attack chiefly against life sentences, in which I see the root of all the evils; and against the laws dealing with exiles, which are fearfully out of date and contradictory. ALEXIN, May 17, 1891. Golden, mother-of-pearl, and fil d'Ecosse Lika!

'Nothing. 'Then let's have it. I'm hungry. I'm never so hungry as when I'm being seriously idle. 'Consomme Britannia, she began to read out from the menu, 'Saumon d'Ecosse, Sauce Genoise, Aspics de Homard. Oh, heavens! Who wants these horrid messes on a night like this? 'But, Nella, this is the best cooking in Europe, he protested.

'So it was lies all the while at Margate, she said to herself, walking about the room, stopping now and again to stare at some object which she did not see. 'There was no American, and no Chilperic, no Trone d'Ecosse, no L'Oeil Creve, no La Belle Poule, no Marguerite de Navarre. Lies, lies! Nothing but lies! He never intended to produce one of them, or that I should play "Fredegonde." Lies! Lies!

*J. J. Jusserand, Le Roman d'un Roi d'Ecosse And thus for eighteen years the Prince lived a life half-real, half-dream. The gray days followed each other without change, without adventure. But the brilliant throng of kings and queens, of knights and ladies, of pilgrims and lovers, and all the make- believe people of storyland stood out all the brighter for the grayness of the background.

But what shall she say after? And in silence they ransacked their memories for a joke which could be fitted to the one they had just discovered. After some five minutes of deep consideration, and wearied by the unaccustomed mental strain put upon his mind, Dick said: 'Do you know the music of Trone d'Ecosse? Devilish good. If the book had been better it would have been a big success.

'But it's manuscript, Dick. Why don't you bring home the printed score? The lie that came to his lips was that the score of Trone d'Ecosse had never been printed, and this seeming to her very unlikely she said she didn't care whether it had or hadn't, but was tired of living in Islington, and would like to see something of the London of which she had heard so much.

Marie Stuart, sa petite fille, chassee, de son trone, fugitive en Angleterre, ayant langui dix-huit ans en prison, se vit condamnee a mort par des juges Anglais, et eut la tete tranchee. Charles I, petit fils de Marie, Roi d'Ecosse et d'Angleterre, vendu par les Ecossois, et juge a mort par les Anglais, mourut sur un echauffaut dans la place publique.

It was cruel of you, Dick, to shut me up here with nobody to speak to; nothing to do but to wait for you hour after hour, and when you come home to hear nothing from you but lies, nothing but lies! Chilperic, Le Petit Faust, L'Oeil Creve, Trone d'Ecosse, Marguerite de Navarre, La Belle Poule.