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The influence of these forces can be demonstrated by many facts on the earth's surface, Foucault's pendulum, the shape of the earth, the fixed directions of the rotations of cyclones and anticyclones. It is difficult to take seriously the suggestion that these domestic phenomena on the earth are due to the influence of the fixed stars.

These writers moved heaven and earth; they summoned from their tombs the Emperor and his legions, the bandits of the Ligue, the condottieri of the Renaissance, called up the human cyclones that once devastated the universe: just to display a puppet, standing unmoved through frightful massacres, surrounded by armies, soldiers, and whole hosts of captive women, dying of a silly calfish love for a woman whom he had seen ten or fifteen years before or King Henri IV submitting to assassination because his mistress no longer loved him.

Their church services according to their own accounts, must have been cyclones of hysteria, with the preacher sobbing and streaming, and the congregation in a state of ululant frenzy, with men and women fainting on all sides.

I think, when my readers have finished, they will demand none. They will see that I had work to do, and that I did it in the only way an intelligent man ever tries to do his work his own way, the way natural to him! Wild Week! Its cyclones, rising fury on fury to that historic climax of chaos, sing their mad song in my ears again as I write.

He saw attempted murder in the pains of green-apple colic, cyclones in the summer zephyr, lost children in every top-spinning urchin, an uprising of the down-trodden masses in every hurling of a derelict potato at a passing automobile. When not rewriting, Ames sat on the porch of his Brooklyn villa playing checkers with his ten-year-old son. Ames and the "war editor" shut themselves in a room.

At all times his firm old mouth was on the eve of breaking into a quizzical smile, and he bestowed one upon Everett as he remarked further: "The barn is man's instituted refuge in the time of mop and broom cyclones in the house.

"Talk about cyclones," began Cleo, when she had recovered from her surprise. "Whatever do you call that human tornado?" "We don't call her," replied Grace. "I just think we ought to make a complaint about her. Think of her saying we tried to drown a boy!" "I'll tell you," said Louise soberly. "She isn't right in her mind." "But right enough to make a lot of trouble for folks," retorted Cleo.

One gathered that a 42-centimeter shell possessed in some degree the freakishness which we associate with the behavior of cyclones. We were told that at the last, when the guns had been silenced and dismounted and the walls had been pierced and the embrasures blown bodily away, the garrison, or what was left of it, fled to these lowermost shelters.

"He whispers me to sleep," he went on, "or he talks me awake talks about all sorts of things things he has seen cyclones, wrecks, and strange ships and Cuban refugees and Spanish spies and lovers that meet here on moonlight nights. It's always moonlight in Port Antonio, isn't it?" "You ought to know, you've been here longer than I," said Keating.

In that part of the field, during the time when the storm is advancing from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic, a dozen or more of these spinning uprushes may be produced, though few of them are likely to be of large size or of great intensity. The secondary storms of cyclones, such as are above noted, receive the name of tornadoes.