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Even more unpleasant is the description of Sextus Pompeius's consultation of the witch Erichtho; horror upon horror is piled up until the blood curdles at the sickening details, which even Southey's Thalaba does not approach and, after all, the feeling produced is not horror but disgust. It is pleasant to turn from his irreligion to his philosophy.

On hot days milk and acid fruit make a satisfying meal. Many believe that milk and acid fruit should not be taken in the same meal, because the acid curdles the milk. As we have already seen, the milk must be curdled before it can be digested. If this step in digestion is performed by the acid in the fruit no more harm is done than when it is performed by the lactic acid bacteria.

A tale of sorrow, for your eyes may weep; A tale of horror, for your flesh may tingle; A tale of wonder, for the eyebrows arch, And the flesh curdles if you read it rightly OLD PLAY.

Fear curdles the blood, anger floods the body with passion, sorrow flexes the proud head to earth and stifles the heartbeat; joy opens the floodgates of strength, and hope lifts up the head and braces man's soul. Man is said to be a rational being, but his thought is directed mainly against the problems of nature, much more rarely against his own problems.

Little seek him out in hot temper to kill him perhaps. But I do care about Natalie. Though I know quite well that she will suffer no harm at Leyden's hands here, my blood curdles at the thought of her being near him at all," Mrs.

You may read in the account furnished to the daily papers, by their special correspondents, that the rigorously disciplined soldiers of Austria were allowed to act the part of robbers let loose upon an unoffending population, to offer violence to unprotected families, to outrage daughters in the presence of their parents, and to revel in such other savage crimes as the blood of civilized men curdles at hearing and the tongue falters in relating.

All strong character curdles itself out of the scum into its own place and power, or impotence: and they that sow to the Flesh, do of the Flesh reap corruption; and they that sow to the Spirit, do of the Spirit reap Life. "I pause, without writing 'everlasting, as perhaps you expected. Neither Carpaccio nor I know anything about duration of life, or what the word translated 'everlasting' means.

I strive not to control My shuddering awe so swift of ill The Fates the warning sign fulfil. Lo! to my sense dismayed, Sudden the deed of death has shown Whate'er my boding fears portrayed. The visioned thought was pain; The present horror curdles every vein Sound, sound the plaint of woe! Beautiful youth!

Ethel's and mine always curdles." "Do I?" yelled the queen of burlesque. "I invented it." And she was down on her knees, her fingers fumbling with the lock of her suitcase.

She made no reply; and as she lifted the bottle and began to beat the yellow mass again, it occurred to him that the remark was exceptionally silly. "Does it have to go in slowly like that the whole bottleful?" he inquired lazily. She nodded. "Or it curdles," she explained. "The cook sprained his wrist yesterday.