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There was another man who loved it, even as I. I think he loved it more, for he was born here on the Kona coast. He was a great man, my best friend, my more than brother. But he left it, and he did not die." "Love?" I queried. "A woman?" Cudworth shook his head. "Nor will he ever come back, though his heart will be here until he dies." He paused and gazed down upon the beachlights of Kailua.

Trollolop we delight in pronouncing that soft liquid name was eminently distinguished by a love of metaphysics, metaphysics were in a great measure the order of the day; but Fate had endowed Mr. Trollolop with a singular and felicitous confusion of idea. Reid, Berkeley, Cudworth, Hobbes, all lay jumbled together in most edifying chaos at the bottom of Mr.

Well was it said by Bunyan's contemporary, the excellent Cudworth, in his eloquent sermon before the Long Parliament, that "We are nowhere commanded to pry into the secrets of God, but the wholesome advice given us is this: 'To make our calling and election sure. We have no warrant from Scripture to peep into the hidden rolls of eternity, to spell out our names among the stars."

Cudworth held his hand to me in the moonlight, and I could see the scars. It looked as if it had been mangled by a dog. "Weren't you afraid?" I asked. "I was. Seven years I waited. You know, it takes that long for the disease to incubate. Here in Kona I waited, and it did not come.

Vaughan himself thinks on the matter," we found that he literally turned the subject off, as if not worth investigation, by making the next speaker answer, apropos of nothing, that "the traditional ascetism of the Friends is their fatal defect as a body." Why, too, has Mr. Vaughan devoted a few lines only to the great English Platonists, More, Norris, Smith of Jesus, Gale, and Cudworth?

Father Malebranche, as far as I can learn, was the first that started this abstract theory of morals, which was afterwards adopted by Cudworth, Clarke, and others; and as it excludes all sentiment, and pretends to found everything on reason, it has not wanted followers in this philosophic age.

Or if, passing to a closer analysis, we observe the shades of difference, we shall find in these varying faiths the several instruments which perform what Cudworth calls "the Symphony of Religions."

Poetry; Langland, Gower, Chaucer. 5. Literature in the Fifteenth Century. Ballads. 6. Poets of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries in Scotland. Wyntoun, Barbour, and others. Poetry: Skelton, Surrey, and Sackville; the Drama. 2. Scholastic and Ecclesiastical Literature. Translations of the Bible: Hooker, Andrews, Donne, Hall, Taylor, Baxter: other Prose Writers: Fuller, Cudworth, Bacon, Hobbes.

DES CARTES insinuated that doctrine of the universal and sole efficacy of the Deity, without insisting on it. MALEBRANCHE and other CARTESIANS made it the foundation of all their philosophy. It had, however, no authority in England. LOCKE, CLARKE, and CUDWORTH, never so much as take notice of it, but suppose all along, that matter has a real, though subordinate and derived power.

Cudworth contends, while it leaves open, or, at least, does not necessarily determine, some of the collateral questions on which he might have differed from many of its defenders.