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And I venture to say that, however grateful we may be to modern investigation for light upon these other points to which I have referred, the ignorant reader that reads Jesus Christ into all the Old Testament may be very uncritical and mistaken in regard to details, but he has got hold of the root of the matter, and is nearer to the apprehension of the essence and spirit and purpose of the ancient Revelation than the most learned critic who does not see that it is the preparation for, and the prophecy of, Jesus Christ Himself.

The dramatic critic a genial soul, well known to the shop-girls in Oxford Street, without social prejudices was deep in conversation with the father and brother of the bride; the musical critic, a mild-faced man, adjusted his spectacles, and awaking from his dream reminded them of an afternoon concert that began unusually early, and where his presence was indispensable.

Christophe chose as his witnesses the first men of his acquaintance who turned up, the musical critic, Theophile Goujart, and a German, Doctor Barth, an honorary lecturer in a Swiss University, whom he had met one night in a cafe; he had made friends with him, though they had little in common: but they could talk to each other about Germany.

Meantime Duthil, with an air of ecstasy and the dainty gestures of a lady's maid, hovered around the young woman, either smoothing a rebellious bow or arranging some fold of her lace. "But I say," resumed Silviane, "your critic seems to be an ill-bred man, for he's keeping us waiting."

An Indian critic once called Stevenson 'a faddling Hedonist. Stevenson quotes the phrase with obvious amusement and without attempting to gainsay its accuracy. But if he allowed the world to take its course he expected the same privilege. He wished neither to interfere nor to be interfered with. And he was a most cheerful nonconformist withal.

Gifford is entitled to considerable praise for the pains he has taken in revising the text, and for some improvements he has introduced into it. He had better have spared the notes, in which, though he has detected the blunders of previous commentators, he has exposed his own ill-temper and narrowness of feeling more. As a critic, he has thrown no light on the character and spirit of his authors.

A poet is not necessarily a critic; and Allan Ramsay's fame had been exactly of the popular kind which would attract a son of the soil, whereas Fergusson was the object of Burns's especial tenderness, pity, and regard.

Critic and writer on literature, served for many years in the Navy Pay-Office, on retiring from which he devoted himself to literary pursuits. He had in 1814-16 made a continuation of Dodsley's Collection of English Plays, and in 1829 he became part proprietor and ed. of The Athenæum, the influence of which he greatly extended.

Many evolutionists maintain that movement is now forward, now backward, now diagonal, and now by a "short cut"; but if the evolutionary critic sticks closely to his preconceived formula about progress as always from the simple to the complex, he can lead us astray. Again, almost all great prophetic announcements are ahead of their time.

It was pointed out that a piece of plate worth eight hundred pounds would prove a cumbersome piece of furniture a white elephant, in fact in the small house or apartment or flat in which a critic usually lives. The truth of this could not be gainsaid.