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I can cook, boy, in a way to make your mother's Sunday dinner, with company expected, look like Mrs. Newlywed's first attempt at 'riz' biscuits. And I don't mean any disrespect to your mother when I say it. I'm going to have noodle-soup, and fried chicken, and hot biscuits, and creamed beans from our own garden, and strawberry shortcake with real " "Hush!" shouted Sam.

There was a generous square of home-made butter, a platter of home-cured ham or sausage, a dish of fried or creamed potatoes, a smaller dish of pickles or beets, and occasionally a dome of glistening cup cheese. The meal would have been considered incomplete without a liberal supply of cake or cookies, coffee in huge cups and yellow cream in an old-fashioned blue pitcher.

In the centre, in a silver vase of foreign pattern, there was a great bunch of asters white and pink and blue. The repast was simple chicken fried to a golden brown, with creamed potatoes, a salad made of fresh vegetables from the garden, hot biscuits, deliciously light, and the fragrant Chinese tea, served in the Royal Kaga cups, followed by pound cake, and pears preserved in a heavy red syrup.

"Now watch him open them, Ruth," said Charlotte with pretended admiration. "See how skilfully he does it. No girl could ever attain to anything like that. After all boys are superior beings and " "Wow," gasped Joe, as a fountain of ginger-ale rose from the bottle and struck him squarely in the face. "Here, take that bottle out of the way. It's going all over my creamed potatoes," shouted Arthur.

Mix one cup of Graham flour, one cup of wheat flour, one-half teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of baking-powder, add to this one tablespoon of melted butter creamed with one-half cup of sugar and one well-beaten egg, moisten with one and one-half cups of milk. Beat all well and bake in muffin-tins in moderately hot oven one-half hour.

"Why, that is fine and made with such a little fire! I would not have believed it possible." "You think that is good?" was the reply. "You will open your eyes when you see what can be done with the chafing-dish, creamed oysters, fudge, soups of all kinds, Welsh rarebits. I hope, Elizabeth, that you spoke to your mother about boxes. At Exeter, boxes are acceptable at all times."

They were mashed, whipped, scalloped, creamed, fried, and broiled; they were made into puffs, croquettes, potato border, and potato snow. For many of these they were boiled first "until tender," one rule said. "But that doesn't tell me how long it takes to get 'em tender," fumed Billy, despairingly. "I suppose they think anybody ought to know that but I don't!"

"Well, sah," he beamed, "we has a little chicken gumbo, some fried chicken jus' the right golden brown, sah, creamed potatoes, hot biscuits with currant jelly er sliced ham and baked potatoes." Colonel Fairfax thoughtfully considered the appetizing prospect in accordance with the rules of the game. What mattered it that the luscious edibles existed only in the brain of the loyal old darky?

DINNER Roast mutton Baked potatoes Mashed turnips Bread and butter Chocolate pudding Coffee SUPPER Hamburger steak Boiled potatoes Stewed dates Bread and butter Coffee BREAKFAST Oatmeal and milk Fried bacon Bread and jam Coffee DINNER Roast beef Mashed potatoes Creamed peas Bread and butter Bread pudding Coffee SUPPER Mutton chops Boiled potatoes Bread and butter Chocolate cake Coffee

Time was very short now seconds flashed by, minutes galloped. Harmony stewed a chicken for supper, and creamed the breast for Jimmy. She fixed the table, flowers in the center, the best cloth, Peter's favorite cheese. Six o'clock, six-thirty, seven; Marie was telling Jimmy a fairy tale and making the fairies out of rosebuds.