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The masters suspended Henry Crump from teaching as a troubler of the public peace for calling the Lollards "heretics." The Crown however at last stepped in to Courtenay's aid, and a royal writ ordered the instant banishment of all favourers of Wyclif with the seizure and destruction of all Lollard books on pain of forfeiture of the University's privileges. The threat produced its effect.

I suppose I had been in bed a couple of hours when I was awakened by the electric bell sounding in my man's room, and a few minutes later he entered, saying: "There's a man who wants to see you immediately, sir. He says he's from Mr. Courtenay's, down at Kew." "Mr. Courtenay's!" I echoed, sitting up in bed. "Bring him in here." A few moments later the caller was shown in. "Why, Short!"

Sir Bernard, as old Mr. Courtenay's most intimate friend, knew, in all probability, of his engagement to her, and of its rupture in favour of her sister Mary. It might even be that Sir Bernard had had a hand in the breaking of the engagement. If so, that would well account for her violent hostility towards him. Such thoughts, with others, flashed through my mind as I sat there facing her.

It was a small knife, and it tumbled with seeming carelessness close to De Courtenay's knee. "So," thought McElroy again; "by all rights that should have been for me." DesCaut went on into the heart of the camp among the women, and De Courtenay began moving ever so cautiously toward the priceless bit of steel. With that hidden in one's garments what not of hope might rise within a daring heart?

The two least impracticable were Courtenay's proposal to scuttle the felucca when within a few miles of Jamaica, trusting to all hands being able to make the island, as the nearest place of refuge, in the boat; and my own scheme, which was that we should secure possession of the armoury in the cabin, and, seizing upon the first favourable opportunity which might present itself, arm ourselves to the teeth, and, driving the watch on deck into the forecastle, take possession of the felucca and endeavour to navigate her into Port Royal by our own unaided exertions.

Who after him would rule on the Assiniboine? For well he knew that death, and death thrice, aye, a million times refined, awaited so luckless a victim as he whose hand had killed the great chief. But he had not killed Negansahima. It was the gun in De Courtenay's hand. Ah, De Courtenay! Where was De Courtenay? A captive assuredly, if he was one.

At another time Elsie would have laughed at the prevalent delusion that she enjoyed Courtenay's confidence so thoroughly. But she felt that her companion's glib tone was artificial. Something had occurred which he was keeping from her. She believed that he had gone to the saloon to procure the wine so that she might have what men called Dutch courage when bad news came.

They were seated in Courtenay's tent, face to face across the low table, with guttering lights between and Ismail outside the tent handing plates and things to Courtenay's servant inside. "You're about the first who has admitted it," said King. Not far from them a herd of pack-camels grunted and bubbled after the evening meal.

It was nearly midnight when I approached the back fences of Mr Courtenay's plantation, and I wondered very much at seeing torches glaring in every direction.

They had tasted a little of his bad character, and they feared that if he grew up to inherit the property, he would prove a tyrannical landlord to them. But amongst these was not to be reckoned old Leonard Dobbin. True, he had suffered terribly indeed more than any one else from James Courtenay's evil ways; but he did not on that account wish him dead far from it.