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Updated: September 18, 2024
These terrible shapes, half goat, half human, struck her dumb with horror: "Ne word to peak, ne joint to move she had." "The savage nation feel her secret smart And read her sorrow in her count'nance sad; Their frowning foreheads with rough horns yelad, And rustic horror all aside do lay, And gently grinning shew a semblance glad To comfort her, and feat to put away."
"Works in one o' them big houses in New York, I reckon, don't she?" Hildegarde laughed; but before she could reply, Miss Bean went on to say: "Wal, you're a stranger to me, but you've got a pooty good count'nance, an' ye kem with Farmer Hartley; that's reference enough." She paused and reflected, while Hildegarde, putting the finishing touches to the pretty hat, wondered what was coming.
It is this victory which proves Jesus to be the Son of God and consequently able to save us. He who has now become incarnated for our redemption is that same Messiah who, when He rode forth against the angelic rebels, "into terror chang'd His count'nance too severe to be beheld, And full of wrath bent on his enemies." It is He who "on his impious foes right onward drove, Gloomy as night:"
Come, my friend, git on your clothes and accouterments, fer Mrs. Anderson is a-dyin' or a-lettin' on to be a-dyin' fer a drink of ginseng-tea or a corn-sweat or some other decoction of the healin' art. Come, I fotch two hosses, so you shouldn't lose no time a saddlin' your'n, though I don't doubt the ole woman'd git well ef you never gin her the light of your cheerful count'nance.
"Are you hurt, Oncle Jazon?" he inquired. "Are you hurt?" "Not a bit jes' skeert mos' into a duck fit. Thought a cannon ball had knocked my whole dang face down my throat! Nothin' but a handful o' splinters in my poorty count'nance, makin' my head feel like a porc'-pine. But I sort o' thought I heard somepin' give you a diff."
A sweet attractive kind of grace; A full assurance given by looks; Continual comfort in a face, The lineaments of Gospel books I trow that count'nance cannot lye, Whose thoughts are legible in the eye. Above all others this is he, Which erst approved in his song, That love and honour might agree, And that pure love will do no wrong.
That's what my young woman does; and by George! it's just like medicine to her that 'tis! I've read out to her till I could ha' swallowed two quart o' beer at a gulp I was that mortal thirsty. It don't somehow seem to improve men. It didn't do me no good. There was I, cursin' at the bother, down in my boots, like, and she with her hands in a knot, staring the fire out o' count'nance.
That's what my young woman does; and by George! it's just like medicine to her that 'tis! I've read out to her till I could ha' swallowed two quart o' beer at a gulp I was that mortal thirsty. It don't somehow seem to improve men. It didn't do me no good. There was I, cursin' at the bother, down in my boots, like, and she with her hands in a knot, staring the fire out o' count'nance.
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