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"I reckon I can; but ef I do they'll shu' ah' find it out, and den I'se don, 'cos Marsa Hinton he's in de cavalry he'll guess dat it was me dat tuk you 'uns dar." "Do you want to be free? Do you want to go into the Union lines?" "Free! oh, de Lor', free! O marsa captain, don't fool a ole man. Free! I'd rudder be free dan dan go to Jesus almost." "Have you a wife are these your children?"

"I want to talk to you about the ghost of pore Sam Bullet," I ses. Joe Peel put 'is mug down sudden and looked at me fierce. "Look 'ere! Don't you come and try to be funny with me," he ses. "'Cos I won't 'ave it." "I don't want to be funny," I ses. "Wot I want to know is, are you in the same mind about that watch and chain as you was the other day?"

When he returned to Attica he gained such fame as a poet and a man of learning and wisdom that he has ever since been classed as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece. Of these wise men the following story is told. Some fishermen of Cos cast their net into the sea, and brought up in its meshes a golden tripod, which the renowned Helen had thrown into the sea during her return from Troy.

"Off to the big briny waves, to the wadings, to the sand castles, to the shrimps, to the hurdy-gurdies, and all 'cos she's palefied. I wish I could be paled." She ran into the house, rushed through the almost deserted nursery, and startled nurse out of her seven senses with a wild whoop. "Nursey, how can I be paled down?" "Nonsense, child! Don't talk rubbish."

But our men have the shelter of one of the Panchos. You should have heard the padre threaten them with the anger of heaven and hell and General Cos. Good-bye, Lopez. I have stayed my last moment now." "Your horse has been well fed. Listen, he is neighing for you; to Doctor Worth give my honorable regards. Is Senor Parades with you? and Perez Mexia?

An' it was 'cos he was so strong for de Union an' now de Guv'ment won't let his fambly have his money 'cos dey's tryin' to prove him destructively disloyal when he changed shots with his bes' friend 'cos he wouldn't set under de Confed'ate flag." A grim smile wakened in Dr. Atkinson's face.

Oh, yes, an' Uncle Harry's got some candy in his trunk, cos he said so in the carriage, we thank you for lettin' Uncle Harry come to see us, an' we hope he's got LOTS of candy lots an' piles. An' we pray you to take good care of all the poor little boys and girls that haven't got any papas an' mammas an' Uncle Harrys an' candy an' beds to sleep in.

The AEolic cities covered the northern part of this coast, together with the islands of Lesbos and Tenedos; the Ionians occupied the centre, with the islands of Chios and Samos; and the Dorians the southern portion, with the islands of Rhodes and Cos.

And then " the bony arms tightened "you came up behind me, and took my hand and said, 'Why don't you kneel down and pray? It's much the quickest way. And so I did," said Tessa simply. "And all of a sudden the steps were gone, and you and I went in together. I tried to pick up Scooter, but he ran away, and I didn't mind 'cos I knew he was safe. I was so happy, so very happy.

He called Deaf Smith the scout of scouts and quickly ordered him to cut down the only bridge across the bayou. "At nine o'clock, General Cos joined Santa Anna with five hundred and forty men, and for a moment I thought we had made a mistake in not attacking the enemy before his reinforcements came up. But the knowledge that Cos was present, raised enthusiasm to the highest pitch.