United States or Suriname ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Five brows were corrugated with wrathful lines. Such, however, was the simple majesty of Smith's demeanor that for a moment there was dead silence. Not a word was spoken as he paced, wrapped in thought, to the editorial chair.

Ten minutes later Parsifal came to and looked over his shoulder at us with a smile as serene as the morning and once more resumed his mad career onward, ever onward. We were now about two miles from home, and suddenly we came across a big red Bubble which stood in front of a road-house, sneezing inwardly and sobbing with all its corrugated heart. Parsifal saw the machine before we did.

His ample, if low, forehead was decidedly corrugated; his always rosy face owned an added trace of scarlet a flush of perturbation; his chubby hands were inexpert, clumsy. He broke a long silence in the store. "What's the trouble, Tracey?" Tracey pulled up with a stare of confusion. "I I dunno, Mr. Duncan; I was thinkin', I guess." "Anything gone wrong?" "Not yet."

I was rejoiced to think I would look again upon the Taj; and the prospect of living with it was a real enchantment; but I pondered most the kind of house that would be provided for the General Commanding the District, how many the dining-room would seat, and whether it would have a roof of thatch or of corrugated iron I prayed against corrugated iron. I confess these my preoccupations.

For one moment all my sympathy was for the shrinking woman; then, when suddenly, in despite of the delicious morning coolness, a great drop of perspiration splashed from the Colonel's corrugated brow, down into the obstreperous curly mass he wrestled with, I pitied him, too, and cried: "Oh, I'll do that. Take care, you'll swallow a pin or two if you contradict me.

"I don't work at all," says I. "I'm head office boy for the Corrugated Trust, and it's a cinch job." "Indeed!" says she. "The Corrugated Trust? Let me see, who is at the head of that concern?" "Say," says I, "you don't mean you never heard of Old Hickory Ellins or Mr. Robert, do you?" She kind of smiles at that; but dodges makin' any answer.

Pretty soon the old brigade adjutant, who was a strict diciplinarian, and a man who never heard of a joke, came in from the general's tent, with his brow corrugated. They had evidently been brooding over the report.

As Jonas once remarked when he stepped amiss on his high boot-heel and spilled all the batter into a buffalo wallow, "This is certainly a corrugated country." He was not always and necessarily a profane man, whatever one might think who heard him driving oxen. In times of real trouble he expressed himself coolly and then stuck to the facts.

I was startled by a great patch of vivid scarlet on the ground, and going up to it found it to be a peculiar fungus, branched and corrugated like a foliaceous lichen, but deliquescing into slime at the touch; and then in the shadow of some luxuriant ferns I came upon an unpleasant thing, the dead body of a rabbit covered with shining flies, but still warm and with the head torn off.

Instead, the cucumber is to be commended for its coolness, and a pickle is a sour refreshment that should be nibbled in turn against the chocolate. Food oftentimes is to be got upon the way. There is a kind of cocoanut bar, flat and corrugated, that may be had at most crossroads. I no longer consider these a delicacy, but in my memory I see a boy bargaining for them at the counter.