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I shall certainly not mention her name. I think the whole affair However, it is no business of mine, I never interfere in other people's affairs!" said Lady Linden, who never did anything else. "All right then, on that condition I'll come, and it is good of you to ask me!" "Rot!" Hugh sent for his housekeeper. "I am going to Cornbridge for a few days.

Philip Slotman, and yet a few hours can effect such changes. The door was open to her; she could go back, and pick up her life again where she had dropped it before her journey to Cornbridge. After all, Slotman was not the only cad in the world. She would find others, it seemed to her, wherever she went. At any rate, Slotman had opened the door by which she might re-enter.

I hardly like to touch you now, but unless you go " "I am going." Slotman moved stiffly towards the door. "Ask Lady Linden of Cornbridge. She believes to this day that Joan Meredyth is Hugh Alston's wife." "By heavens! If you don't go " Slotman glanced at him; he saw that he was over-stepping the danger-line. Yes, he must go, and quickly, so he went.

But from the depths of her heart she wished Hugh Alston a great distance away from Cornbridge. "Hello, Hugh!" said her ladyship. He had come in, a man of two-and-thirty, big and broad, with suntanned face and eyes as blue as the tear-dimmed eyes of the girl who had gone miserably down to the lily-pond.

"Oh, have you no sense of manhood in you?" "I think I have. You shall not be driven away. I, of course, am the one to go. Through me you left Cornbridge, you shall not have to leave this house. I promise you, swear to you, that I shall not darken these doors again. Is that enough? Does that content you?" "Then I shall have at least something at last to thank you for," she said coldly.

In Cornbridge they spoke of her with bated breath as a "rare masterful woman," and they had good cause. Masterful and domineering was Lady Linden of Cornbridge, yet she was kind-hearted, though she tried to disguise the fact. In Cornbridge she reigned supreme, men and women trembled at her approach.

I do not think it is that, I think you have a sense of humour somewhat perverted. Of course, you are only carrying this this joke one step further " "Joan!" "And as you drove me from Cornbridge Manor, I suppose you will now drive me from this house. Am I to find peace and refuge nowhere, nowhere?" "If if you could be generous!" he cried. She flushed with anger.

He had just time to write and catch the early outward mail from Starden, to-day was Thursday. "I have had your letter, and it has worried me not a little. I can't bear to think of you as unhappy, little girl. I shall come back to Hurst Dormer, and shall be there to-morrow, Friday, early in the afternoon. Send me a wire to say if you will come, or if you would rather that I came to Cornbridge.

She longed to say it, but did not, and Hugh Alston never knew. Hurst Dormer looked empty, and seemed silent and dull after Cornbridge. No place was dull and certainly no place was silent where Lady Linden was, and coming back to Hurst Dormer, Hugh felt as if he was then entering into a desert of solitude and silence. "Everything has been quite all right," said Mrs. Morrisey.

He went to General Bartholomew and then Cornbridge, where he saw Lady Linden, and heard from her all that she had to tell, and then then he came to me. He told me that he knew the truth, and that if I would marry him he would forgive forgive everything!" Hugh Alston said nothing. He sat with his big hands gripped hard, and thinking of Philip Slotman a red fury passed like a mist before his eyes.