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And did you think that Rador would carry to the temple prison a man who would take the chances of torment upon his own shoulders to save him? Or you, Goodwin, who saved him from the rotting death? For what did I take the corial or lift the veil of silence that I might hear what threatened you " He swept the corial to the left, away from the temple approach.

"Not with my own wings, Yolara. In a a corial that moves through what's the word for air, Doc well, through this " He made a wide gesture up toward the nebulous haze above us. He took a pencil and on a white cloth made a hasty sketch of an airplane.

The coppery ramparts were close, not more than three or four miles distant; in front of us the plain lifted in a long rolling swell, and up this the corial essayed to go with a terrifying lessening of speed. Faintly behind us came shootings, and we knew that Lugur drew close. Nor anywhere was there sign of Lakla nor her frogmen.

The snout was taken off by one ball, and another entered the hinder part of the skull, when the Indians, attacking it with their clubs, appeared completely to have knocked out every spark of life. It was at last hauled up and placed on the bow of the corial. While the corial was being drawn across the rapids, two of the Indians took up the cayman in order to lay it in a more convenient position.

We passed through the lines to the corial standing like a great shell at the end of the runway leading into the green road. "Wait you here," he said curtly to the driver. The green dwarf ascended to his seat, sought the lever and we swept on on and out upon the glistening obsidian. Then Rador faced us and laughed. "Larree," he cried, "I love you for that spirit of yours!

The driver touched the lever; a stream of coruscations flew from the ball down into the cylinder. The shell started smoothly, and as the tiny torrent of shining particles increased it gathered speed. "The corial does not touch the road," explained Rador. "It is lifted so far" he held his forefinger and thumb less than a sixteenth of an inch apart "above it."

The green dwarf turned the corial slowly to the edge at the right; crept cautiously on toward where, not more than a hundred feet from the barrier, a low, wide entrance opened in the fort. Guarding its threshold stood two guards, armed with broadswords, double-handed, terminating in a wide lunette mouthed with murderous fangs.

"This corial is of the swiftest Lakla's are of the slowest. With Lakla scarce a va ahead we can reach her before she enters the Portal. Lift you the Shadow we will bring her back, and this will I do for you, Serku." Doubt tempered Serku's panic. "Why not go alone, Rador, leaving the strangers here with me?" he asked and I thought not unreasonably. "Nay, then." The green dwarf was brusk.

"Lo, I have seen one of my race hold up ten times ten of our what call you that swift thing in which Rador brought us here?" "Corial," said she. "Hold up ten times twenty of our corials with but two fingers and these corials of ours " "Coria," said she. "And these coria of ours are each greater in weight than ten of yours. Yes, and I have seen another with but one blow of his hand raise hell!

"Well I know a way but it is not one I am gay to follow no!" He snapped open the aperture that held the ball flaming within the dark crystal; peered at it anxiously. I crept to the torn end of the corial. The edges were crumbling, disintegrated. They powdered in my fingers like dust.