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"I meant to; but I happened to meet Miss Copt, whose encyclopaedic information has often before been of service to me. I always go to Miss Copt when I want to look up anything; and I found she knew all about the Rembrandt." "All?" "Precisely. The knowledge was in fact causing her sleepless nights. Mr.

He was painting at the time, I remember, and he testily and unprofitably drew his brush across the face of a Copt woman he was working at, and bit off the end of a cigar. I asked him if it was another man's wife; he promptly said no. I asked him if there were any awkward complications any inconsiderate pressure from the girl's parents of brothers; and he promptly told me to be damned.

Either previously to this occurrence, or immediately after it, Fielding seems to have taken two rooms in a house in Back Lane, Twickenham, "not far," says the Rev. Mr. Cobbett in his Memorials, "from the site of Copt Hall." Beyond suggesting that it may supply a reason why, during Mrs.

I was playing at bagatelle one night, and lost all my cash, and as I was anxious to win it back, I broke into my master's premises, and took all the money that was in the cash-box. I got 'copt, and was sent into the county jail. When I came out I enlisted in the army. My father bought me off after I had been in the regiment a short time.

They were very hospitable, and gave me shelter until our tents were pitched. The camps were all pitched in a small plain without the town. Our camp was near the Greek Orthodox Church, and hidden from the others by a slight eminence. At sunrise next morning a Copt wanted to enter my tent, either for stealing or some other purpose.

I had no authority, I explained, to purchase pictures for the Museum without the consent of the committee. Mrs. Fontage coped for a moment in silence with the incredible fact that I had rejected her offer; then she ventured, with a kind of pale precipitation: "But I understood Miss Copt tells me that you practically decide such matters for the committee."

"What tidings, Jodd?" "None that are good, General. The bishop, he says, was killed by Moslems a while ago, or so he had been told." "God rest him. But the others, Jodd, what of the others?" "This. It seems that the Copt, as he called him, Magas, returned from a long journey, as we know he did, and raised an insurrection somewhere in the south of Egypt, far up the Nile.

My capture was exceedingly popular, and they gloated to my face over the doom in store for me, wrangling like rooks as to the likeliest spot for my gibbet. The majority fixed it at the Copt Oak, where, as they reminded me with shrill curses, I had murdered poor old Bet o' th' Brew'us for a shilling and sixpence. It was a relief to hear the host shout to Master Wicks, "Yon's th' Squire's!"

Correspondence. The prisoners are allowed to write three times a week, and a certain number of them get more educated comrades to write for them. Correspondence is practically impossible for those who belong to nomadic tribes. Religion. Except one Copt, all the prisoners are Mahometans. There are many imaums among them. Religious exercises are practised freely and regularly.

"It was a porter ?" "What is it ?" "Someone been stabbed!" "Where's the doctor?" "Stand away there, if you please!" That was a ship's officer; and the voice of authority served to quell the disturbance. Through a lane walled with craning heads they bore the insensible man. Ahmadeen was at my elbow. "A Copt," he said softly. "Poor devil!" I turned to him.