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In fact, I think she ought." "Now you're certainly nice, but we'll let it go. Your taking the money made me a partner, and in the meantime the Bluebird is not for sale. If you wait long enough, somebody will give you what the mine is worth." "I think so. Copper's hard to smelt and when transport's expensive speculators stick to gold, but things will be different now the country's opening up.

He doubted if the Captain had authority to order him into Detention but he was certain to get a lecture. These minor officials loved to tell someone off. He gritted his teeth. He'd endure it for Copper's sake and to get out of here quietly.

Private Copper's father was a Southdown shepherd; in early youth Copper had studied under him.

You're going to be a horrible example to all smart operators who think they can break contracts. It's taken a million credits and ten years' time to hunt you down, but it's going to be worth it." "Copper's child is a boy," Kennon said mildly. "My son." Alexander froze. "You can prove that?" he asked in a half-strangled voice. Kennon nodded. "You see the extenuating circumstance?" he asked.

This, no doubt, was the disorder which Marion had always foreseen; to prevent which she had practised her insane tidiness. He held the attention much less than one had thought a dead man could. "God," said Poppy, "this is a copper's business. I'm off before they come. They think I know something about a thing that happened down in Strood last Easter, though God help me I don't.

"That little mistake o' yours about the copper's nark. I'm goin' to forget all about that now." "Thank you, Brand," answered Jim earnestly. "We all make mistakes, don't we?" "That's right, sir," said Monkey. "Only that's a mistake I never made and never would." Some of the lads were still hanging about the yard. They knew, too. Maudie knew.

"What's up?" asked "Marty," making his respectful salutation to the mistress, but looking past her toward the carpenter, who, with another change of mood, sprang again to his feet and waved the fragment of mineral overhead, exclaiming: "This is 'up'! Copper's 'up'! Sobrante's 'up'! And lucky the men that belong to it.

Will you shake hands with a copper's nark?" He gave Lanyard's hand a firm and friendly grasp, and turned to the girl. "Good-bye, Miss Shannon. I'm truly grateful for the assistance you gave us. Without you, we'd have been sadly handicapped. I understand you have sent in your resignation? It's too bad: the Service will feel the loss of you.

The picture of him was impressed during that instant upon Thresk's mind, so that he could never afterwards forget it. "Copper's up one point," he was saying, "that's fine. Who's Captain Ballantyne, I wonder? United Steel has dropped seven-eighths. Well, that doesn't affect me," and so he ran on. Thresk heard no more of what he said.

"Why, he copped the copper's kale," Aggie translated, glibly. Mary threw out her hands in a gesture of dismay. Thereupon, the adventuress instantly assumed a most ladylike and mincing air which ill assorted with the cigarette that she held between her lips.