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I'll walk down to Howlett's and get you anything you may like to have. I'll bring you a lot of novels which I found in the house, and which I expect, anyway, you will like better than those old-time books. And I'll cook you anything that is in the cook-book. But I really cannot go wooing for you, and if you ask me to do that, every time I come near you, I really must "

Blueworthy, I could use another man in the stable at the Old Home House. If you want the job you can have it. ONLY, you'll have to work, and work hard." Well, sir, would you believe it? his face fell like a cook-book cake. That kind of chance wa'n't what he was looking for. He shuffled and hitched around, and finally he says: "I'll Ill consider your offer," he says. That was too many for me.

"We have at last from Boston something better than the Emersonian philosophy or the learning of Harvard, something that will contribute more to human health, and consequently to human happiness; and that is, a good, practical cook-book, with illustrations.... We commend Mrs. Lincoln's volume heartily, and wish it might make a part of every bridal outfit." The Churchman.

Mebby you could buy a fust-class cook-book with it and learn somethin'." "Learn somethin'! Why, you long-geared, double-jointed, glass-eyed, hay-topped, star-smellin' st-st-steeple, you! Get out o' this afore I break my neck tryin' to see your face! Set down so I can look you in the eye!" And Wingle waved his stout arms and glowered in mock anger. Sundown laid the money on the table.

He was a student of mathematics, and had attempted to reduce the problem to a logical syllabus. He read over his memoranda: THEOREM: STUFFED EGGS. Enough melted butter to make of consistency to shape. "And where does the devilled ham come from? How does one devil a ham? What a pity Henry James never wrote a cook-book! It would have been lucid compared to this.

In the back of the cook-book, she remembered, there was a receipt for cold cream, and in a magazine Mrs. Lee had loaned them was a whole column devoted to face bleaches and complexion restorers. Having read each formula, she decided to try them all in turn, if the first did not prove effective.

She regarded her husband with a thoughtful frown; then she drew a profound sigh. "Whew!" laughed Bertram, whimsically. "So soon as this?" "Bertram!" Billy's voice was tragic. "Yes, my love." The bridegroom pulled his face into sobriety; then Billy spoke, with solemn impressiveness. "Bertram, I don't know a thing about cooking except what I've been learning in Rosa's cook-book this last week."

In its receipts, in its tables of time and proportion, in its clear and minute directions about every detail of kitchen and dining-room, it has left unanswered few questions which may suggest themselves to the most or the least intelligent." The Nation. "Mrs. Its title does scant justice to it, for it is not so much a cook-book as a dietetic and culinary cyclopædia. Mrs.

"I didn't come over here to study; I get enough of that at school," and he glared in a very injured way at Jasper. "Don't get upset," said Jasper, patting him on the back; "you'll like this, Pick, I tell you." "And it's a cook-book," said Polly, laughing merrily. "All right," said Pickering, immensely relieved, and reaching out his long arm, he seized it, and whirled the leaves.

I'm so het up I can't set still, an' besides, mebbe we can get the story the way it really happened, from somebody who ain't bound an' gagged an' chloroformed by such unbecomin' modesties. Roy, don't never go into vawdyville with them personal episodes, because they read about as thrillin' as a cook-book.