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"She may be contrairy enough to give the General the gout in his big toe and the twisht in his timper, as often she's done. But she can't make our Miss Nelly marry where she don't like. If you'd put your romantic notions into your scrubbin' now, Miss Higgs; but I suppose it's your name is the matter with you, and you can't help it."

The Perfessor may pull us through, but it's no cert. Much the contrairy. Likely as not you'll be attendin' our funerals within' the week. Dan and Jimmie tuk a notion that they'd like to forgive ye, an' I come along too because I reckon misery loves company. But I made this stippilation no huggin' before me, if you please." "Is he d-d-drunk?" faltered Edna. "I'm nearly drunk," said Pete.

A mocking laugh or two floated after her on the night air, then the black-eyed girl picked up the shilling, said Bet was a "good 'un, though she wor that contrairy," and the whole party set off singing and shouting, up the narrow street of this particular Liverpool slum.

Be gentle with him, my dear Mme. Cibot, do not lay up remorse for yourself. Life is not too long." "Just let me alone with your remorse! Are you going to talk about the guillotine again? M. Pons is a contrairy old thing. You don't know him. It is he that bothers me.

"Wal, you see, that went agin old Black Hoss John's idees: old Black Hoss was about as close as a nut and as contrairy as a pipperage-tree. You ought to 'a' seen him. Why, his face was all a perfect crisscross o' wrinkles.

'An there's mother's old box as takes up the cupboard, continued Isaac, gruffly. Bessie burst out laughing. 'Oh! yer old silly, she said. 'As if they couldn't stand one top o' t'other. Now, do just go, Isaac there's a lovey! 'Ee's waitin for yer. Whatever did make yer so contrairy? Of course I didn't mean nothin I said an I don't mind Timothy, nor nothin. Still he did not move.

'The parson may say what he pleases, grandfather. I can't stop his saying of 'em. It isn't likely I shall try, neither. But no parson among 'em all can marry me without I'm willing. 'And why should you no be willing, you contrairy young jade, you? 'You've been a'drinking, grandfather.

"I quite agree with you, Maryhann," said Jemima, who indeed always agreed with any proposition her friend chose to put forth; "an' I 'old that it is contrairy to 'uman reason to imagin such beastliness, much less to do it."

Nay, I'm pretty sure, by words she said to me last Sabbath, as she's no mind to marry." "Eh, thee't as contrairy as the rest on 'em. If it war summat I didna want, it 'ud be done fast enough." Lisbeth rose from the bench at this, and went out of the workshop, leaving Seth in much anxiety lest she should disturb Adam's mind about Dinah.

"Of course, as you says so, it ain't for me to say the contrairy; but if you hadn't told me, I should have said he ain't paid me one brass farthing, so now." "Dear me, dear me!" exclaimed Mr Rastle. Of course, if that was so, Loman must have borrowed the eight pounds from Oliver on false pretences, and kept it for his own use.