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It is only a woman who can always win her own way am I not right, conte?" And she glanced up at me with an arch expression of mingled mirth and malice. What a love of mischief she had! She saw that Guido was piqued, and she took intense delight in teasing him still further. "I cannot tell, madame," I answered her. "I know so little of your charming sex that I need to be instructed.

"A moral? Oh?" said he. "No. I had supposed it was beauty for beauty's sake." "Ah, but beauty sometimes points a moral in spite of itself. The very obvious moral of this is that where there 's a will there 's a way." She looked up, making her eyes grave; then smiled again. "We must resume our plotting. I think I have found the way by which the Conte di Sampaolo can regain his inheritance."

So far, then, as I have yet pursued the analysis of Michelangelo's portraits, I take Bonasoni's engraving to be decisive for Michelangelo's appearance at the age of seventy; Leoni's model as of equal or of greater value at the age of eighty; Venusti's and Da Volterra's paintings as of some importance for this later period; while I leave the attribution of minor easel-pictures to Del Conte or to Bugiardini open.

"Novel" and "novelette" are just as serviceable terms as roman and nouvelle; in fact, since "novelette" is the diminutive of "novel," they express even more clearly than their French equivalents the relation between the two forms they designate. But it is greatly to be regretted that we do not have in English a distinctive word that is the equivalent of conte.

"You preach a very eloquent sermon," said Anthony, "and in principle I acknowledge its soundness. But in practice there is just absolutely nothing the Conte di Sampaolo can do." "He can go to Vallanza, and marry his cousin," reiterated she. "Thus the name and the estates would be brought together again, and the tradition would be renewed."

It was a good intention, but you know what place is paved with similar designs?" "Ah, conte, it is like your generosity to take my confession so lightly; but I assure you, for the last hour I have been absolutely wretched!" "After the fashion of all lovers, I suppose," I answered "torturing yourself without necessity! Well, well, it is very amusing!

Their art partnership was in later years followed by marriage, but it was well known that a passionate and romantic attachment sprang up between these two gifted singers long before a dissolution of Grisi's earlier union permitted their affection to be consecrated by the Church. Mario, Conte di Candia, the scion of a noble family, was born at Genoa in 1812.

"But let us hope there are exceptions, and that all husbands are not fools." She smiled expressively and sweetly, toyed with the flowers I had given her, and turned her eyes again to the stage. I said no more, and was a somewhat moody companion for the rest of the evening. As we all left the theater one of the ladies who had accompanied Nina said lightly: "You seem dull and out of spirits, conte?"

I expressed regret, and asked for particulars. "She will die of grief for the loss of her husband, Ruggiero da Risa, who has been killed by the treachery of Conte Gano." Then I saw my fellow-countryman, Astolfo d'Inghilterra; he it was that brought back from the moon the lost wits of Orlando when he became furioso because Angelica would have nothing to say to him and married Medoro.

At the time Italy entered the war she possessed six dreadnoughts, the Caio Duilio and the Andrea Doria, completed in 1915, the Conte di Cavour, Giulio Cesare, and Leonardo da Vinci, completed in 1914, and the Dante Alighieri, completed in 1912. Each of these dreadnoughts had a speed of 23 knots.