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The least mistake on his part might have led to a struggle inside the Khanum's house, and we had good cause to congratulate ourselves upon having freed the prisoner without shedding blood.

Prohack would have corrected him, but being full of base instincts he had no impulse to correct the larger estimate, which was just as inaccurate. "Well, well! It's a most romantic story and I congratulate you on it. No such luck ever happened to me." Sir Paul made this remark in a tone to indicate that he had had practically no luck himself.

In my travels I render homage to my learned contemporaries, and you come the last and best." "You must have liked Haller." "I spent three of the happiest days of my life with him." "I congratulate you. He is a great man and worthy of all honour." "I think as you do, and I am glad to hear you doing him justice; I am sorry he was not so just towards you."

"Pretty tardy date to congratulate you, old man," he said with a laugh. "Don't believe I ever remembered it before, did I?" Ben glowed and rubbed his long hands together in rich contentment. "She's a wonder, Mark," he said heartily. Mark nodded an emphatic approval. Words, which Ben perhaps looked for, he did not add. Everything had been said in the one word "congratulate."

"Betty," she said, "this is a small matter my yielding to the whim of an impetuous girl in whom I take an interest. But, my dear child, I have to congratulate you. You made a marvellous success a marvellous success last night. Several of the girls in the school have spoken of it, and in particular dear Margaret Grant. I wonder if you would improvise for me some evening?" "Gladly!" replied Betty.

That is all I can tell you." Mrs. Pendean stopped and Brendon rose. "What remains to be told I will get from Inspector Halfyard himself," he said. "And you must let me congratulate you on your statement. It would have been impossible to put the past situation more clearly before me.

It sometimes inspires a semblance of courage; she may determine; she may be stedfast long enough for him to take his measures to bear her away. And the Brocken witches congratulate him on his prize! Almost better would it be, she thought, that circumstance should thwart him and kindle his own demon element. The forenoon, the noon, the afternoon, went round.

Roger turned around and began pounding Astro on the chest, and the giant Venusian picked him up and waltzed him around the deck. The three members of the Arcturus unit waited until the first flush of victory died away and then crowded around the two boys to congratulate them.

The Committee leaped to their feet with a shout of applause and crowded around him to congratulate and praise the man they came to bury. There was no longer a question of his resignation. The fall of Atlanta would thrill the North. A wave of wild enthusiasm would sweep into the sea the last trace of gloom and despair.

About the last Roberts Brothers added: "This book ought to sell better. We have reason to congratulate ourselves that it so fascinated us that we ventured to republish it. We are Nature lovers, and delight to keep the company of one who loves her and is able to tell of it as you can."