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Certain I am that Franck, if a better angler than thou, was a worse man, who, writing his 'Dialogues Piscatorial' or 'Northern Memoirs' five years after the world welcomed thy 'Compleat Angler, was jealous of thy favour with the people, and, may be, hated thee for thy loyalty and sound faith.

One of these, published in Burlington two years after the Colony had declared itself free and independent, reads as follows: "TO BE SOLD For no fault but a saucy tongue for which he is now in Burlington jail A negro man about 39 years of age. He is a compleat farmer, honest and sober. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber in Evesham, Burlington Co. Feb. 4, 1778."

Yes, Olinda, and you shall know its meaning; I love Alcander, and am not asham'd o'th' secret, But prithee do not tell him what I say. Oh, he's a man made up of those Perfections, Which I have often lik'd in several men; And wish'd united to compleat some one, Whom I might have the glory to o'ercome.

The title page follows the fashion of the time, and is practically an abstract of what follows. Severall Poems, compiled with great variety of Wit and Learning, full of Delight, wherein especially is contained a Compleat discourse, and Description of Also, a Dialogue between Old England and New, concerning the Late Troubles; with divers other pleasant and serious Poems.

See also, Izaak Walton, Compleat Angler. Oppianus, De Venatione, Piscatione et Aucupio. Zouch, Life of Iz. Walton. Salmon Fisheries. Parliamentary Reports. Annual. "Blackwood's Magazine, an important landmark in English angling literature." See Noctes AmbrosianA|. H. W. Beecher, N. Y. Independent, 1853.

He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.

Edward Philips, Milton's nephew, writes a preface to them, and observes, 'that his poems are the effects of genius, the most polite and verdant that ever the Scots nation produced, and says, that if he should affirm, that neither Tasso, Guarini, or any of the most neat and refined spirits of Italy, nor even the choicest of our English poets can challenge any advantage above him, it could not be judged any attribute superior to what he deserves; and for his history he says, had there been nothing else extant of his writings, consider but the language how florid and ornate it is; consider the order and prudent conduct of the story, and you will rank him in the number of the best writers, and compare him even with Thuanus himself: Neither is he less happy in his verse than prose, for here are all those graces met together, that conduce any thing towards the making up a compleat and perfect poet, a decent and becoming majesty, a brave and admirable heighth, and a wit flowing. Thus far the testimony of Mr.

Whatever, therefore, is not susceptible of this agreement or disagreement, is incapable of being true or false, and can never be an object of our reason. Now it is evident our passions, volitions, and actions, are not susceptible of any such agreement or disagreement; being original facts and realities, compleat in themselves, and implying no reference to other passions, volitions, and actions.

But if he considered neither himself, nor Lucius Crassus, as a genuine Orator, he must have formed in his mind a sublime idea of Eloquence, under which, because there was nothing wanting to compleat it, he could not comprehend those Speakers who were any ways deficient.

I have enlarged my notions , though not being able to see the movements, and having not time to peep closely, I know less than I might. I was less weary, and had better breath, as I walked farther. Ruthin Castle is still a very noble ruin; all the walls still remain, so that a compleat platform, and elevations, not very imperfect, may be taken. It encloses a square of about thirty yards.