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About all the Democratic votes cast were polled in New York City. The Republicans can get all the votes they want up the State. Even when we piled up 123,000 majority for Coler in the city In 1902, the Republicans went it 8000 better above the Bronx. That's why it makes me mad to hear about upstate Democrats controllin' our State convention, and sayin' who we shall choose for President.

Bergmann, Coler, Eulenbrg, B. Fränkel, Gaffky, Hirsch, Koch, Leyden, S. Neumann, Pistor, Schubert, Skreczka, Struck, Virchow, and Wollfhügel. The conference had been called at the instance of the Berlin Medical Society, whose President, Prof. Virchow, explained that it was thought advisable Dr.

She wuz a blaze of splendor and so wuz lots of 'em, though like the stars, they differed from each other in glory. But whatever coler their gowns wuz, in one thing they wuz most all alike most all of 'em had waists all drawed in tight, but a bulgin' out on each side, more or less as the case might be. Why some of them waists wuzn't much bigger than pipe's tails and so I told Josiah.

Sept. 20. Brite and fair. the coler hasent gone of my legs yet. tonite father took me down to Erl and Cuts where he got the coat that my britches was made out of and told Erl about it and made me show my legs, and Erl said i gess George, the cloth hadent been spunged, and father said i dont know about the cloth, but he was spunged most damly when he got them. and mister Erl laffed and gave father a pair of new britches, and we went home. father felt pretty good about it, it dont seam rite, i got a lickin and got my legs all blew and it wont come of, and father got a new pair of britches for nothing. enny way one of these pickerel waid a pound.

Gemms of every gorgus coler under the heavens and some jest the coler of the heavens when it is blue and shinin' or when it is purplish dark in the night time, or when it is full of white fleecy clouds, or when it is a shinin' with stars. Why, one woman had so many diamonds on that she had a detective follerin' her all round wherever she went.

Sept. 21. tonite i went over to Beanys. Mister Watson Beanys father was leening his head on his hand and i stumped Beany to pull his elbo out. and we nearly dide laffing to think about it and by and by Beany got up his spunk and pulled his elbo out and his head came rite down on the table and he jumped up and grabed Beany and hit him some good bats and sent him to bed and told me to go home and never come over there ennymore. so i cant go with Beany ennymore. the coler hasent gone out of my legs.

There wuz some big noble trees, all twinklin' full of lights, of every coler, and rows of shinin' lights, criss-crossed every way, or that is, every beautiful way, from the high ornimental pillers of the immense house, that loomed up in the distance round us on every side, same as the mountains loom up round Loontown.

Sedes, opposed to the triclinia, on which the Romans used to recline, a practice as unknown to the rude Germans, as to the early Greeks and Hebrews. See Coler. Stud. of Gr. Negotia. Plural==their various pursuits. So Cic. de Or. 2, 6: forensia negotia. Negotium==nec-otium, C. and G. being originally identical, as they still are almost in form. Armati. Cf. note, 11: ut turbae placuit.

Sept. 22. Rany. the coler has begun to go of my legs. Sept. 23. Rany as time. we got some soft sope of old man Currier today and the coler is most gone. Sept. 24. It is all gone now. Sept. 25. Lubbin Smith and Geen Titcum got fiting at resess today and the bell rung before eether had licked. i bet on Lubbin. i went down for some more pikerel today but the river is two deep now.

And big carriages with folks inside all dressed up in every coler of the rain beaux. And elligent gentlemen dressed perfectly splendid, a settin' up straight behind. With thin yellow legs, or stripes down the side on 'em, and their hats all trimmed off with ornaments and buttons up and down their backs. Haughty creeters they wuz, I make no doubt. They showed it in their looks.