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Sedes, opposed to the triclinia, on which the Romans used to recline, a practice as unknown to the rude Germans, as to the early Greeks and Hebrews. See Coler. Stud. of Gr. Negotia. Plural==their various pursuits. So Cic. de Or. 2, 6: forensia negotia. Negotium==nec-otium, C. and G. being originally identical, as they still are almost in form. Armati. Cf. note, 11: ut turbae placuit.

A slave boy assigned to that duty read aloud the names of the souvenirs: "Silver s ham," a ham was brought in with some silver vinegar cruets on top of it; "cervical" something soft for the neck a piece of the cervix neck of a sheep was brought in; "serisapia" after wit "and contumelia" insult we were given must wafers and an apple-melon and a phallus contus ; "porri" leeks "and persica," he picked up a whip and a knife; "passeres" sparrows" and a fly trap," the answer was raisins uva passa and Attic honey; "cenatoria" a dinner toga "and forensia" business dress he handed out a piece of meat suggestive of dinner and a note-book suggestive of business ; "canale" chased by a dog "and pedale" pertaining to the foot , a hare and a slipper were brought out; "lamphrey" murena "and a letter," he held up a mouse mus and a frog rana tied together, and a bundle of beet beta the Greek letter beta . We laughed long and loud, there were a thousand of these jokes, more or less, which have now escaped my memory.

These were at first intrusted to the care of the censors, afterwards to the praefecti aerarii. Forensia, comprising lists of laws, plebiscites, elections of aediles, tribunes, &c. like the daemosia grammata at Athens, placed among the archives annexed to various temples, especially that of Saturn.