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The pilots are probably right about the plane's having been booby-trapped after its last overhaul, and the traps armed later. I'll have an inspection made immediately, and we'll see if we can find how it was done. "There's the man you think armed the trap on this plane. An order for his arrest is on the way now. I told my secretary. And hm.... That CO2 "

Some species of bacteria, as we have seen, can live upon very simple foods, finding in free nitrogen and carbonates sufficiently highly complex material for their life. These organisms appear to grow on the bare surface of rocks, assimilating nitrogen from the air, and carbon from some widely diffused carbonates or from the CO2 in the air.

So the form of the infinite and universal energy, which we may call erg-dynamic, is the cause of the waste of the body through which it works; and this is at once made good by the increased trophic metabolism which occurs, to replace the waste this increased trophic metabolism showing itself in increased O2 intake and coincidently or correspondingly with increased CO2 output.

The chemical formula of this compound, which is CO2, shows the proportion in which the atoms uniteone atom of carbon uniting with two atoms of oxygen in each of the molecules. The affinity of oxygen for other elements, and the affinity of other elements for oxygen, and for each other, resides in their atoms. *Oxidation.*—The uniting of oxygen with other elements is termed oxidation.

Calcium Oxide is a compound left after the burning of limestone, and is known as fresh burned lime, or quick lime. Its formula is CaO. It contains, when pure, 40 parts of calcium and 16 parts oxygen by weight. Carbon Dioxide is a compound whose formula is CO2. Calcium Carbonate, known also as carbonate of lime, has a definite composition, containing, when pure, 56 parts CaO and 44 parts CO2.

Also, an emergency inspection of other transport planes has turned up three other grenades tucked away in front-wheel wells. Ah CO2 bottles have turned out to have something explosive in them. A very nice bit of work, that! The sandy-haired man who fueled your plane ah disappeared. That is bad!" Joe said politely: "That's fine, sir."

"Putting explosive gas in the CO2 bottles," said Joe painstakingly, "wasn't adding a new gadget to a situation. It was changing something that was already there. The saboteurs took something that belonged in a plane and changed it. They did not put something new into a plane or a situation that didn't belong there. It was a special kind of thinking. You see, sir?"

Only it wasn't." Sally said in horror: "Oh, no!" "The CO2 bottles were filled with an inflammable or an explosive gas," said her father, unbending. "Instead of making a fire impossible, they made it certain. We'll have to watch out for that trick now, too."

Then the air flowed over the liquefied oxygen at a rate to replace the CO2 with more useful breathing material. Then the moisture was restored to the air as it warmed again. For so long as the oxygen lasted, fresh air for any number of men could be kept purified and breathable. The Med Ship's normal equipment could take care of no more than ten.

"I didn't understand that," said Joe drearily. "Planes have CO2 bottles to put fires out," said the Major impatiently. "A fire in flight lights a red warning light on the instrument panel, telling where it is. The pilot pulls a handle, and CO2 floods the compartment, putting it out. And this ship was coming in for a crash landing so the pilot according to orders flooded all compartments with CO2.