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They retorted that no doubt there were plenty of husbands to be picked up without a penny, who'd be glad to come and stay at the house and idle about and eat their fill. Evidently they had overheard talk between their parents, for it had been represented to them that Cleo and her husband were only in Dover on a friendly visit to the family.

"I guess mebby as how yo' better had," he agreed. Preparations for the evening meal went on, while Captain Clark and her True Treds tidied themselves after the fishing excursion. Cleo was ready first and took a little run down to where her fire smouldered in the pit. "How do you tell when it's done?" asked Grace, joining her.

Finally, Cleo took up one oar, and Margaret the other, and they proceeded in the direction of the floating propellers. As they passed the boy's boat, the girls spoke loudly of "some one losing his oars," but even this did not arouse him. "Maybe we'll have to row him home," said Grace. "He doesn't look as if he cared much whether he ever gets back to land or not."

"Cleo is all right," said Cicely "She was badly hurt, but Bennett knows how you love her, and he is doing all he can for her. She will never hunt again, I'm afraid!" "Nor shall I!" and Maryllia sighed again, and closed her eyes to hide the tears that welled up in them.

"The sailors saw something, I just have to insert that clause," she contributed, "then it goes: * "So far from any coast, we thought it was a ghost, And lowers a boat to see what it might be, Where on its mother's breast a little one did rest, The mother dead the babe alive and well!" "Oh, just like Kitty's story," interrupted Cleo in spite of orders.

"It was not Cleo's fault," she went on, speaking slowly, but distinctly "Cleo never missed. Oliver Leach took the hedge just behind us. It was wrong! He meant to kill me. I saw it in his face!" She shuddered violently, and her eyelids closed. "He was cruel cruel!" she murmured feebly "But I was too happy!"

What, however, struck him particularly was their unbounded affection for their father and mother, for Cleo and Mark, and last, though not least, for each other. During the evening Mary grew so bold as to offer to show him the harbour by night, and he welcomed the suggestion as likely to afford him a little quiet distraction.

My emotions at this moment are much too complex for my understanding." "Then let me give you some tea. It will put all your notions and your emotions in order." The tea certainly did soothe him. He had never known that the beverage could be so delicious. "How did you find out about Ingram and Cleo?" he asked suddenly. "Oh, that was very easy.

He also got married, but he couldn't live off base until he was finished with a training program in Alabama. Cleo, his wife, had an apartment in town, and Eddie stayed too late one night. The main gate closed. He had to be in formation, or whatever they call it, early in the morning before he could get back on base." Gino sipped coffee. "There was a river along one side of the base.

"I doubt if that will be of any use," said Margaret, beating herself frantically on the face with her hands. "These are terrible worse than mosquitoes." "Oh, it's bugs, is it?" asked Cleo. "Ouch! I should say it was! What are they?" she cried, as she felt stinging pains on her hands and face. "Not bugs, merely black flies," declared Captain Clark.