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Updated: August 7, 2024

It assisted us, by comparison, to comprehend and appreciate the great depth of the basin it looked like a tiny martin-box clinging at the eaves of a cathedral. After some little time spent in resting and looking and ciphering, we hurried on to the hotel. By the path it is half a mile from the Volcano House to the lookout-house.

Excepting a few errors which a forced precipitation made me commit in ciphering, and of which the clerks of M. Amelot once complained, neither the ambassador nor any other person had ever the least reason to reproach me with negligence in any one of my functions. This is remarkable in a man so negligent as I am.

"It's all over. I'm goin' to pack my wedding things away." "I don't see what makes you so sure." "I know him." "But I don't see what you've done, Charlotte; he didn't quarrel with you." "That don't make any odds. He can't get married to me now without he breaks his will, and he can't. He can't get outside himself enough to break it. I've studied it all out. It's like ciphering. It's all over."

He tried to make himself believe that his pain was not so keen as he had expected it would be; and by shutting out of his mind all thoughts of Rita, he partially succeeded. Sunday afternoon Dic saw Sukey at church and rode home with her, resting that evening upon her ciphering log.

"Oh, no, papa! you cannot suppose I'm so foolish as to think it would." "Was it the fault of the slate that you had such difficulty with your examples?" "Why, no, papa, of course not." "Then, was it not extremely foolish, as well as wrong, to want to break it just because of your want of success with your ciphering?" "Yes, sir," she reluctantly admitted. He went on, "Anger is great folly.

"No, there's no hurry about that; I must look around first, and think." "But you are ciphering; what's it about?" "Why, I have to find work for the thirty thousand that comes out of the coal, haven't I?" "Scott, what a head! I never thought of that. How are you getting along? Where have you arrived?" "Not very far two years or three. I've turned it over twice; once in oil and once in wheat."

My nerves will not admit of it. You judge right as to the roads on the Neck. Theodosia is quite recovered, and makes great progress at ciphering. I cannot say so much in favour of her writing. I really think she lost the last month she went to Shepherd. She has not improved since last spring. She is sensible of it, is the reason she is not very desirous to give you a specimen.

"Well, Nabb, the constable, had a writ agin him, and he was ciphering a good while how he should catch him; at last he hit on a plan that he thought was pretty clever, and he scheemed for a chance to try it. So one day he heerd that Bill was up at Pugnose's inn, a-settling some business, and was likely to be there all night.

But if slates favored tit-tat-toe, they also favored ciphering, and nothing but good can come from that. Paper is now so cheap that you need not rub out mistakes, but paper and pencil can never surely ground one in "the science of numbers and the art of computing by them."

But the triumph of the ciphering hand-organ has consoled me. I always fancy I can hear the wheels clicking in a calculator's brain. The power of dealing with numbers is a kind of "detached lever" arrangement, which may be put into a mighty poor watch. I suppose it is about as common as the power of moving the ears voluntarily, which is a moderately rare endowment.

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