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I was lucky enough to get a passage as far as Mons in an albatross scout which was taking dispatches to that place. From there I managed to bluff a motor car out of the town commandant a most obliging fellow. This took me to Aachen where I got an express. The reason for my recall was that Witneisser went sick and Arnheim being away, this has left only two in the operations ciphering department.

This cleavage is known as slaty cleavage, since it is most perfectly developed in fine-grained, homogeneous rocks, such as slates, which cleave to the thin, smooth-surfaced plates with which we are familiar in the slates used in roofing and for ciphering and blackboards. In coarse-grained rocks, pressure develops more distant partings which separate the rocks into blocks.

Well, Berta was so clever in arithmetic that she was asked to teach summing at Miss Courtley's, and there she got to like foreign tongues more than ciphering, and at last she hated ciphering, and took to books entirely. Mother and we were very proud of her at that time: not that we be stuck-up people at all be we, Sol?

Of course anyone pleading for this sort of study in the rural schools must make it clear that the ordinary accomplishments of reading, writing, and ciphering are not to be neglected. As a matter of fact, pupils under this method can be just as well trained in these branches as under the old plan.

"Ha! are you good at writing and ciphering?" "Middlin', sir." "Hum! D'you know where my office is, and what it is?" "No, sir."

"Look, sir!" said he, taking a bit of red chalk from his pocket, and figuring against a whitewashed wall, "twenty times eight is so and so; then forty-two times thirty nine is so and so ain't it, sir? Well, add those together, and subtract this here, then that makes so and so," still chalking away. To be brief, after no small ciphering, Mr.

You remember I told my father that my Uncle Dion had furnished me with the means of paying my preliminary expenses. That was true, but I had earned the money, little as it was, in ciphering, writing, and riding about to my uncle's tenants at a time when he was ill with a cold, and would have been obliged to pay a stranger for the work which I did for him. I said it was little he gave me.

He had perhaps been living a little beyond his means, but as to the school, he had rather refined tastes, and he longed to teach his children something more than the ciphering, as it was called, and bookkeeping which they would have learned at the academy at which men in his position usually educated their boys; and as to the seaside, his wife was ill, and he could not bear to see her suffering in the smoky street, when he knew that a little fresh air and change of scene would restore her.

This building, like most of the palaces in Europe, is built around a quadrangle, and its plan may be compared to a pupil's slate used for ciphering. The frame corresponds to the form or ground-plan of the buildings, and the slate, to the court or yard which they inclose.

'How many miles away is t' Greenland seas? I mean, how long do they take to reach? 'I don't know; ten days or a fortnight, or more, maybe. I'll ask. 'Oh! feyther 'll tell me all about it. He's been there many a time. 'I say, Sylvie! My aunt said I were to give you lessons this winter i' writing and ciphering. I can begin to come up now, two evenings, maybe, a week.