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Though they had had no rest or sleep since the previous night, excitement had driven away all fatigue, and they looked forward with deep interest to their arrival at Harar. To Guy's surprise, Melton did not believe that he had been singled out to accompany Guy. "No, no, Chutney," he said, "depend upon it, Makar has some other object in view.

For vegetables you had better gather grass and make some chutney out of clover leaves." When the Brahman had left, his little daughter-in-law followed his orders as best she could. There was in the jar upstairs only grain for half an ordinary loaf. So she made tiny, tiny loaves and prepared some vegetables out of grass and made some clover chutney.

"He seems a little better," whispered the colonel, coming close up to Guy. "Do you know, Chutney, I've been thinking for the last hour that we must surely be near the end of the river. Since first we entered this cavern we have traveled eight hundred miles. Calculate the rate of speed at which the current flows, and you must see that I am right.

'If they stole my idea, they'd not be able to carry it out. It's not easy to cajole a captain. 'No, you're indeed a honeyed rascal, thought the Parnass. 'I also do a brisk business in chutney, went on Simeon. 'It's a thing women are especially fond of having brought back to them from India. And yet it's the last thing their menkind think of till I remind them of it on their return.

"We may be thankful we got away with whole skins," said Chutney. "It was a great misfortune to have to abandon all that meat, but a delay or an attempt at resistance would have cost us our lives." "It means starvation," said Melton bitterly. "Those lions came down from the open air to drink.

"This is the camp of the Abyssinians," declared Canaris without hesitation. "One of us must spy into it and see if your friends are prisoners; another must go to the village for provisions, and a third man should remain here at the mouth of the cavern." This proposed division of the forces did not please Guy and Melton. "Why must a man remain at the cavern?" demanded Chutney.

Old Livermore, old Soy, old Chutney, the East Indian Director, old Cutler, the Surgeon, &c., that society of old fogies, in fine, who give each other dinners round and round, and dine for the mere purpose of guttling these, again, are Dinner-giving Snobs.

Timmy on his hind legs, rampant, clawing at the Boches. Just think of the effect if he got up over the parapet! The other things came all right, too, thanks. When you can't think what else to send let Nanna make another cake. And those tubes of chutney are a good idea. No; it's no earthly use worrying about Michael.

"What the dickens are sambals?" said Tom Long. "Well, it's either pickles or curry, whichever you like to call it," continued Bob. "These sambals are so many little saucers on a silver tray, and they are to eat with your curry. One had smashed up cocoa-nut in milk; another chillies; another dried shrimps, chutney, green ginger, no end of things of that kind and jolly good they were!

But look, Chutney, there is the residency ahead of us." They were approaching a low building of sun-baked brick, with Venetian awnings at the entrance and windows. Half a dozen sentries were on guard, and an officer came forward to meet the little party. Guy saluted. "I am the bearer of important despatches for the governor of Zaila," he said, "and must see him at once."