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I'm sorry." Blue Bonnet, still trying to smooth out the mark on Chula's shoulder, answered not a word. There was an awkward silence for a moment, and then she suggested that the party move on. "Will you lend me your hand, Knight?" she said. "I don't believe I can mount alone this time." There was a protest from all the young people. "Blue Bonnet! You're surely not going to ride Chula again to-day!

"Git ap!" he said, "git ap!" Knight patted Chula's shoulder and spoke quietly. "Careful, old girl. This is a little sick boy you have on your back; no capers to-day." "Couldn't he just walk round a minute?" Gabriel begged. Knight looked at Miss Warren. "If Mr. Judson takes you round once will you get off willingly, Gabriel?" Gabriel promised with a quick nod.

The horses were walking now, and Alec leaned over and put his hand on the pummel of Chula's saddle; presently it slipped down in a caress on the mare's shoulder. "I beg your pardon, Chula girl," he said. "I was pretty hard on you, wasn't I? Are you ready to forgive me?" And whether it was because at that moment Mrs.

You can't! You're all unstrung! She may run again; you really must not." "Your hand, please, Knight," Blue Bonnet insisted calmly. Alec stepped forward and took Chula's bridle. At his touch the mare shied, almost jerking the reins from his hands. Blue Bonnet snatched the bridle and turned on Alec. "Will you leave my horse alone, please?" she said angrily. "You see, she hates your touch!"

"Hold her a minute, please, Denham," Blue Bonnet called from her bedroom window, which overlooked the side driveway. "I'll be down in two seconds." At that moment Alec and Knight rode up, and Alec, dismounting, threw Chula's bridle over his arm. Chula gave her head a toss and shied away. "There, girl!" Alec rubbed her nose and spoke kindly. "What's up? Too much high living?"

Her arms were round Chula's neck instantly; her fingers caressing the ugly mark that was beginning to show deep in the sorrel shoulder. For a moment Alec gazed at Blue Bonnet, dumb with amazement. Then he took a step toward her apologetically. "I beg your pardon," he said slowly. "I beg your pardon, Blue Bonnet. Not for striking Chula. She needed what I gave her; but for losing my temper.

But Alec, still white with anger, jumped to his feet and snatching Chula's bridle from Knight's hands, struck the mare a stinging blow with his whip across her shoulder. Blue Bonnet was up and at Chula's side instantly. She wrenched the whip from Alec's hand and her voice quivered with passion. "How dare you strike my horse, Alec Trent! How dare you!"