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The world was large and there were other Virginias, as well as other Paymasters only it seemed such a futile waste. He sighed again and then Death Valley Charley burst out into a cackling laugh. "I heard you," he said, "I heard you coming away up there in the pass. Chuh, chuh, chuh, chud, chud, chud, chud; and I told Virginny you was coming."

Affectionately and with my love to Chud, To the President London, September 26, 1915. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: The suppression of facts about the military situation is more rigorous than ever since the military facts have become so discouraging. The volume of pretty well authenticated news that I used to hear privately has become sensibly diminished.

Along the coast lights twinkled in scattered coves. Half a mile astern the Italian cruiser Fiala lay slowly swinging at anchor. From the forecastle came the smell of fried mullet. Mohammed Ben Ali was at peace with himself and with the world, including even the irritating Chud. The west darkened and the stars burned more brilliantly.

It would be the ruination of the world if my frank comments got loose. It's for you and Chud only. You may fill your stocking full of the best wishes you ever received enough to fill the polar bear skin. And I send you both my love. London, Christmas, 1915. DEAR Boys: R.W.P., A.W.P., F.C.P. A Merry Christmas to you! Good cheer, good company, good food, good fires, good golf. Not on your life!

But your mother took your photograph with her and got it out of the bag and put it on the bureau as soon as she went to her room a photograph taken when you were a little girl. Hodson came up to see me to-day and with tears of gratitude in his voice told me of the present that you and Chud had made him. He is very genuinely pleased. As for the rest, life goes on as usual.

Her garden changes every week or so, and it never was lovelier than it is now. Then we came back home and dined alone. Well, since we can't have you and Chud and Frank, I don't care if we do dine alone sometimes for some time to come. Your mother's monstrous good company, and sometimes three is a crowd. And now is a good time to be alone.

Yes, the star was coming coming fast. "Abdullah!" he called in his high-pitched voice. "Chud! Come, see the star!" Together they watched it sweep onward. "By Allah! That is no star!" suddenly cried Abdullah. "It is an air-flying fire chariot! I can see it with my eyes black, and spouting flames from behind." "Black," echoed Chud gutturally. "Black and round! Oh, Allah!"

Tell me, did Chud get you a dinner book? Keep your record of things: you'll enjoy it in later years. And you'll have a nice time this autumn your new kinsfolk, your new friends and old and Boston and Cambridge. If you run across Mr. Muffin, William Roscoe Thayer, James Ford Rhodes, President Eliot these are my particular old friends whose names occur at the moment. My love to you and Chud too,

That's the best asset of safety that we have. Affectionately yours, To Mrs. Charles G. Loring 6 Grosvenor Square, London, December 7, 1915. DEAR KITTY: This is my Christmas letter to you and Chud a poor thing, but the best I have to give you. At least it carries my love, dear, and my wishes that every Christmas under your own roof will be happier than the preceding one.

The falukah was tossed this way and that, as if caught in a simoon, and he was rolled hither and yon in the company of Chud, Abdullah, and the headless mullet. This earsplitting racket continued, he says, without interruption for two days. Abdullah says it was several hours; the official report of the Fiala gives it as six minutes. And then it began to rain in torrents until he was almost drowned.