United States or Rwanda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

A wave of national patriotic enthusiasm swept over the United States. North and South, East and West, there was hardly a discordant note in the great chorus of fervent applause which rose when it was understood that at last the forces of the nation were to be united in the cause of liberty and humanity. But sentiment could not fight battles, unless backed by material equipment.

"The Bacchanal Queen! or I publish my banns of marriage with Ninny Moulin!" cried little Rose-Pompon, with a determined air. "The Bacchanal Queen! or the court will rise in arms, and carry her off by force!" said another voice. "Yes, yes let us carry her off!" repeated a formidable chorus.

Another thought it risky to drop a purse on any road. But there was a chorus of desire expressed that we should find it, and in this anxiety was exhibited a decided sensitiveness about the honor of Mitchell County. It seemed too bad that a stranger should go away with the impression that it was not safe to leave money anywhere in it.

As far as I have read all soldiers enjoy campaigning, and it does not seem to make any difference to them who are the foe or what they are fighting about. But I should like to feel a little more sure that we shall win in the long run." There was a chorus of indignant protests against there being any possible doubts as to the issue.

She is in bed now with a bad cold, and if you will come and see her I am sure you will be satisfied." These artful remarks, which had no doubt been prepared in advance, ought to have aroused all my scorn, but instead of that they awakened the most violent desires. I laughed in chorus with the old woman, and asked what would be the best time to call. "Come now, and give one knock."

And when the curtain really did rise upon the inevitable spectacle of villagers dancing upon the village green! And Mrs. Robson carefully picked out in the chorus the stout sister of a former servant who had worked for her mother! And the wicked old witch swept from the wings on the traditional broomstick!

Then Houston continued: "Some of us may be killed, and some must be killed. But, boys, remember the Alamo!" "Yes, we will remember the Alamo!" came back in a deep chorus. "Down with every Mexican in the State of Texas!"

"You daw-goned ol' scalawag! I never will help you git married again!" he shouted gleefully. Clay sat down on the seat and gave way to mirth. He rocked with glee. Beatrice began to chuckle. She, too, yielded to laughter. Kitty, and then Johnnie, added to the chorus. "Oh, Johnnie Johnnie you'll be the death of me!" cried Clay. "It'll never be a dull old world so long as you stay a bandit."

Mad with hate and fury she raced along the ground roaring and whining in turn while Myla bounded through the leafy canopy high overhead; and in chorus with the cries of anguish from below, and the triumphant chatter of the monkey, came the screams of Warruk terror-striken and helpless, rushing headlong to certain doom.

If you want to see something fine, just follow us. I shall sing a solo and so will Saint Peter; the others sing in the chorus." Upon which Judas Iscariot, Saint Peter, Saint John and the angels resumed their march, and Gilbert decided to follow them. The first houses of the village of R rise at the extremity of the wooded plain which extends to the south of Geierfels.